Volume 11.  Issue 3. (№ 32)

The Council of Reviewers of the publishing house together with the teaching staff of leading universities:
The main criteria of our choosing materials for publishing is their high scientific level. The main principle of the publishing house is to accept pluralism of views if authors present their points of view in a well-argued manner. The author’s view point does not have to coincide with the editors’ view points.
The authors of submitted materials are responsible for the accuracy of facts, quotations, dates, events, geographical and proper names. 
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All the submitted materials are reviewed.


Topical  issues  of  science  and  culture
Shinkarenko V.D. The operating system of the brain
Pismanik M.G. Reflections on mutual understanding
Lezina O.V., Ternovaya L.O. Connecting the universes of literature, art and universities
Kostitsyn S.S. Private museums as a historical basis for the formation of the modern museum system in Russia  
Political  science
Biryukov S.V. The SCO and the “Big seven” - the request of the world community for a strategic alternative
Safarova T.V., Tyurinova E.S. Building of ethnic culture of personality through the appeal to the traditional doll in the framework of ethno-artistic education 100


Shinkarenko V.D.
The operating system of the brain
The article considers consciousness as an operating system of the brain. To control the body in this environment, various kinds of control structures are formed. The development of computing technologies and technology allows us to consider a person from a different angle. Many philosophical and scientific theories of previous centuries and historical heritage receive new interpretations and reveal their secret meanings. The widespread use of computer technology allows us to take a fresh look at these eternal secrets of nature and consider man by analogy with the device of a computer and robotics. A person creates artificial intelligence by himself, working by analogy with the brain, and at the same time learns his own nature through it.
Key words: computer, operating system, intermediary language, consciousness, awareness, emotions, language, culture.
Pismanik M.G.
Reflections on mutual understanding
The article touches upon some problems of mutual understanding between religious and non-religious Russians in a complicated socio-cultural situation.
Key words: citizenship, stability of society, tradition, socio-cultural situation, ideological balance, values and anti-values, religious studies, believers and non-believers, understanding and mutual understanding, dialogue.
Lezina O.V.
Ternovaya L.O.
Connecting the universes of literature, art and universities
The article traces the connection of university life not only with the works of famous writers who were also university teachers, but also with the development of a new genre of cinematography related to campus stories. The grounds are revealed that the broadcast of university images to readers and viewers has both a therapeutic effect on them and encourages self-knowledge and creativity.
Key words: university, culture, literature, cinematography, painting.
Kostitsyn S.S.
Private museums as a historical basis for the formation of the modern museum system in Russia
The article is devoted to the history of private museums in Russia and their role in the subsequent formation of the state museum system, which is very diverse. The article mentions famous Russian collectors of the 18th-19th centuries. with a detailed description of their collections, which then became part of the property of such major museums as the Hermitage and the Tretyakov Gallery. On the basis of the considered contribution of various statesmen, diplomats and landowners to the museum culture of Russia in the 18th-19th centuries. the conclusion is made about the decisive role of private collections in the creation of what is understood as a "modern museum": most of the exhibits of the largest Russian museums belonged several centuries ago to their original collectors - people passionately burning with love for history and art.
Key words: private museums, collections, history, Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery.
Biryukov S.V.
The SCO and the "Big seven" - the request of the world community for a strategic alternative
Changes in the modern world, in the structure and in the very foundations of the system of international relations, require their own scientific understanding. The methodology of such studies is also in the process of formation. The strategies of the leading world powers and associations in relation to the "world regions" involve not just adaptation to the existing situation, but long-term planning in order to enter the trajectory of sustainable long-term development. A comparative analysis of the strategies and prospects of such influential international organizations as the SCO and the "Group of Seven" allows us to better understand the current trends in global development. 
Key words: Global world, international relations, fragmentation, World regions, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Group of Seven.
Safarova T.V.
Tyurinova E.S.
Building of ethnic culture of personality through the appeal to the traditional doll in the framework of ethno-artistic education
The relevance of the topic of the study is determined by the importance of ethno-artistic education and upbringing in the modern world, where with the development of globalization processes, the danger of loss of ethno-cultural diversity of peoples is increasing. The revival of the traditional rag doll, which preserves in its image the identity and characteristic features of the people who create it, today should be assessed as a contribution to the development and popularization of folk art culture.
We have developed and tested the "Volshebniy larets" curriculum for elementary school children, in which a traditional rag doll is a mean of studying folk culture. During the learning process through a system of practical lessons (including: making dolls, staging elements of rituals, folk games) children inherit the nature of the worldview developed by our ancestors, they gain experience in cultural and creative activities. Testing the program showed that by turning to folk dolls you can arouse children's interest in traditional culture, and form a holistic picture of the cultural past and present.
Key words: traditional doll, ethnic culture, ethno-artistic education, calendar ceremonies, family and household rituals.


Biryukov S.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Senior Researcher at the Center for the Study of Russia of the East China Pedagogical University (Shanghai, China), Professor of the Department of Social Anthropology and Intercultural Communications of the Siberian Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. (Novosibirsk), Professor of the Department of Political Science of TSU (Tomsk), Professor of the Department of History of the Kemerovo State Medical University, Kemerovo.
Kostitsyn S.S., Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba.
Lezina O.V., Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Management, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI).
Pismanik M.G., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Philosophy, Perm State Institute of Culture, Perm.
Safarova T.V., Candidate of Sciences in Philology, Associate professor in the Department of theory and history of folk art culture of Kemerovo State Institute of Culture.
Shinkarenko V.D., Doctor of Sociology, Professor of the Department of Economics and Management of the Institute of Economics and Law (Branch) Educational institution of trade unions of higher education "Academy of Labor and Social Relations" in Sevastopol.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI).
Tyurinova E.S., Deputy Head of the methodological work of Municipal Budgetary Pre-school Educational Institution №233 "Kindergarten of combined type" (Kemerovo).