Cultural World №8
Ryabova E.L., Chief Editor, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor.
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Journal's Editorial Board
Belov V.G., Doctor of economic sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Free Economic Society (Moscow).
Kuznecova T.F., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Pusko V.S., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Vodolackiy V.P., Doctor of Social Sciences, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Supreme Ataman of the Union of Cossacks of Russia and abroad Warriors, Cossack General.
Dolgenko A N., Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of the Russian and Foreign Languages of the Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Ilarionova T.S., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, General Director of the Institute of energy of knowledge.
Hitarova I.U., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, senior researcher, employee of the State institution of culture the Museum Complex The State Museum St Isaac’s Cathedral, a member of Saint-Petersburg philosophical society.
Tumanyan T.G., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Oriental Philosophy and Cultural Studies.
Ivakin G.A., The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, management of educational policy, Deputy Head, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of National Security.
Murashko S.F., Candidate of political sciences, Associate Professor of Russia's foreign policy, Deputy Head of the Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Naumova G.R., Doctor of historical sciences, Professor of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Member of the Academy "Philosophy of Economy".
Arefev M.A., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies.
Nigmatullina T.A., Professor, Director of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies PMO VPO of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations, Head of UNESCO Centre in Russia.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of historical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University.
Chapkin S.V., Deputy Chief Editor, Honorary Professor of the Academy of Ecology and Law.
Yachin S.E., Doctor of philosophical sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy FEFU, (Vladivostok).
Demyanenko Y.A., Candidate of sociological sciences, Rector of VPO Pskov State University.
International Department
Solonin K.Y., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute of Chinese classics, Chinese People’s University. Beijing.
Graeme Stowers, political expert (United Kingdom).
Adriano Del Asta, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute.
Yan Vallenius, political expert. (Finland).
Chjan Vei, political scientist, expert of China.
Don Anselmo Santos, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Madrid.
UNESCO: arts and culture, national traditions
Zyazikov M.M. On the Question of the Role of the Russian Language in the Modern World
Ryabova E.L., Ternovaya L.O. Cross Year of Russia and the Greek culture: traditions and perspectives of international cultural cooperation
Zykin A.V. The process of communication in the structure of the language culture: social-philosophical analysis
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International relations
Honali K. Socio-cultural state. The point of view
Human rights
Pleshchitser M.Y. Domestic violence against children: the essence and typological characteristics
Efimov D.A. International Experience of Pension Reforms: Financial and Legal Status
Zabolotskikh A.S. The social composition and the main objectives of Russian political parties of the early 20th century
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Bormotova T.M. The problems of approximation of national legislations on subjects of migration policy of the countries which are included in the European Union
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Zyazikov M.M.
On the Question of the Role of the Russian Language in the Modern World
In the article, it is stated that Russia’s leading role on the world arena will be followed by a significant increase in importance of the Russian language under the conditions of the new power configuration and the multipolarity of the world. The author has conducted some constructive culture thinking on the role of the Russian language under the modern conditions, which open new directions of studying, spreading of the language in the multinational society of Russia, and abroad. The author gives practical examples that the amplification of the cultural space of the Russian language defines the formation of supranational unity. He offers a horizontal and a vertical plane of “language building” and some concrete measures on maintenance and development of the Russian language as a language of international communication.
Keywords: the role of the Russian language under the modern conditions; the Russian language and the supranational unity, “language building”, Russia as a multinational model of development.
Ryabova E.L.
Ternovaya L.O.
Cross Year of Russia and the Greek culture: traditions and perspectives of international cultural cooperation
The practice of cross-cultural cooperation between Russia and foreign countries have entered Cross Year of Culture. In 2016 came this year in relations between Russia and Greece. These countries bring together thousands of years of historical, cultural and religious ties. This context gives the special interest in activities of the Crossover year.
Keywords: culture, Cross Year, exhibition, tourism, youth exchange, the Mediterranean diet.
Zykin A.V.
The process of communication in the structure of the language culture: social-philosophical analysis
In the article the author gives the analysis of verbal and non-verbal communication as the basis (structure) of the language culture in a multi-ethnic society from the positions of social philosophy.
Keywords: linguistic culture, verbal communication, nonverbal communication, multiethnic society, social philosophy.
Honali K.
Socio-cultural state. The point of view
The article reveals the content of the concept "socio-cultural state" through the prism of the history, sociology, political and cultural sciences. The author identifies the main features of this type of states by the initial differentiation of the terms "state of law", "social state", "cultural state" and the subsequent connection of these definitions. Thanks to the discovered distinctive properties and indices of democracy and human development, to the ranking of countries in terms of happiness, to the selected characteristics of the state of affairs in the world, the author makes a conclusion about the absence on the world map of the state, which could be characterized as "socio-cultural" even among highly developed countries, and believes that this fact opens the boundless prospect of evolution. In the article some of the position of the Russian Federation in the studied aspect are highlighted.
Keywords: law, culture, social state, cultural state, socio-cultural state, democracy index, human development index, a ranking of countries in terms of happiness, humanism, morality, safety, freedom, social equality.
Pleshchitser M.Y.
Domestic violence against children: the essence and typological characteristics
The article describes the essence of such destructive social phenomenon as domestic violence against children. Domestic violence (domestic violence) is considered as a complex social problem, describes the features of the formation of destructive violent components in social interactions on the example of domestic violence against children. The author analyzes the peculiarities of domestic violence against children, the author shows the classification of domestic violence against children on several grounds.
Keywords: dominance, authority, enforced component, the concept of "violence", domestic violence against children, the cycle of violence, justification of violence, responses to violence, aggression, consequences of violence, physical violence, sexual violence, material violence, psychological and emotional abuse, "secondary victimize, complex violence.
Efimov D.A.
International Experience of Pension Reforms: Financial and Legal Status
In the article, we speak on the history of development and the future of the pension system. We define the role and place of non-State pension funds in the pension scheme in general. We analyze international experience of establishing and developing non-State pension funds, the question of their state regulation and control of their activity. A special attention is paid to arbitral practice in terms of settling disputes in this sphere on the most common questions and the issues of law enforcement.
Keywords: non-State pension funds, non-credit financial institution, systems of pension provision, pension reform, retirement age, retirement pension, PAYG component, investment part of the state pension, basic component of pension, state regulation of pension funds, legal regulation, law of contracts, developmental strategy of the financial market.
Zabolotskikh A.S.
The social composition and the main objectives of Russian political parties of the early 20th century
This article analyzes the social composition of the political parties of the Russian Empire in the early XX century and a real reflection of interests of different social groups. The estates principle of social organization of pre-revolutionary Russia, seems, was to be decisive to formation of the party organizations. However, in practice, many public organizations (in particular, the Black Hundred Party) declared their all-estates character, trying to become the spokesman of the greatest possible number of social groups.
By the beginning of XX century in Russia there were about 60 parties, which could be called the all-Russian. Comparing the most famous of them, the author concludes that representatives of the Black Hundreds largely managed to realize the proclaimed all-estates construction principle of political organization. As stated by the leader of the Monarchist Party V.A.Gringmut, "Black Hundred-monarchists – are thousands, millions, it's - the whole Russian Orthodox people, remaining faithful to the oath unlimited Orthodox tsar" [11, p. 156]. The ideology of the Black Hundreds, which had the universal Christian character, reflecting the traditionalist outlook of the country's population, contributed to their penetration into the masses.
Contrary to popular belief, the big bourgeoisie and the landlord class were not the only groups that are members of the «Union of October 17th». However Octobrists faced with serious problems, attracting to its ranks of workers and peasants of the Russian population, because they are more focused on employers rather than workers. For example, as the researchers note, an important role in the creation of the "Union of October 17th" played factory owners Brusnitsyns in St. Petersburg [see.:3, p.122]. But by 1917 Octobrists altogether lost control of the labor movement.
Thus, despite the constant positioning of the political parties of the Russian Empire as all-estates, in reality, they pursued the interests of certain groups of the population, which was due to the specific social and political structure of the Russian state of this epoch.
Keywords: The party system, representation of estates, the Black Hundreds, Union of October 17th.
Bormotova T.M.
The problems of approximation of national legislations on subjects of migration policy of the countries which are included in the European Union
The authors focus es on conceptual issues relating to the regulation of the migratory processes and the struggle against cross-border criminality in the European Union countries.
Keywords: the countries of the European Union, illegal migration, migrants, migration policy.
Bormotova T.M., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, leading researcher at FSI “Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs”.
Efimov D.A., Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Postgraduate student.
Honali K., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Rector of the State Institution “National Institute of Advanced retraining educators”.
Pleshchitser M.Y., Post-graduate student of the Public relations and mediapolicy Department of the Institute of Public Administration and Management of the Russian Presidential Academy.
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of political sciences, Professor, Chief Editor of “Etnosotsium” international publishing house.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Zabolotskikh A.S., Intern of the Chair of history of Russian statesmanship in Russian Academy of national economy and public administration under the President of the Russian Federation.
Zykin A.V., Post-graduate student of Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University.
Zyazikov M.M., Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Member of the Union of Writers of Russia.