Cultural World №4
Ryabova E.L., Chief Editor, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor.
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Journal's Editorial board
Belov V.G., Doctor of economic sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Free Economic Society (Moscow).
Dolgenko A.N., Doctor of philological sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ivakin G.A., Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor of Russian History,Deputy Head of the UMU of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Murashko S.F., Candidate of political sciences, Associate Professor of Russia's foreign policy, Deputy Head of the Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Naumova G.R., Doctor of historical sciences, Professor of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Member of the Academy "Philosophy of Economy".
Nigmatullina T.A., Professor, Director of the Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies PMO VPO of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations, Head of UNESCO Centre in Russia.
Radchenko A.F., Candidate of political sciences, Chief of Staff of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of historical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University.
Chapkin S.V., Deputy Chief Editor, Honorary Professor of the Academy of Ecology and Law.
Yachin S.E., Doctor of philosophical sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy FEFU, (Vladivostok).
Demyanenko Y.A., Candidate of sociological sciences, Rector of VPO Pskov State University.
International Department
Graeme Stowers, political expert (United Kingdom).
Adriano Del Asta, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute.
Yan Vallenius, political expert. (Finland).
Ryabova E.L., Ternovaya L.O. Socio-cultural background of the Russian-Chinese relations
Lee Yan Ideological values of socialism as the basis of Chinese cultural values
Fetisov V. Ya. Modernization of Russia and China: an analysis of the position of the theory of convergence
Uy Haitsin Challenges and possibilities of the "Chinese Model" in the epoch of post-financial crisis
Subbotin V.V. Maintenence of processes of the society development
Go Y. Prospects of future relations between Russia and China
Bessonov E.G. Informational and analytical support of educational process
Han Sipin Free medical service: Russia's situation and food for thought for China
Obukhov L.V. Harmony between generations as a necessary condition for the nation's thriving
Artamonova L.N. E-Learning as a mechanism for development of new principles of education system
Juan Fushou The role of deliberative democracy in the scienfitic reasoning of the system of social decision-making
Arefiev M.A., Davydenkova A.G. Russian conservatism as an alternative to the Western model of globalization
Fan Tsyanvei Basic characteristics and crisis of financial capitalism
Bessonova T.N. Worldview security as one of the socio-cultural basis of escaping from the systemic crisis
Zobov R.A. Culture as the background for mutual cooperation between peoples
Klinetskaya N.V. Religion as a factor of cultural globalization of China and Russia | 82 |
Maryutin V.A. Spiritual and moral upbringing of military officers: the condition, continuity and threats | 90 |
Jou Shunzun Peer to peer freedom and free equality of K. Marx | 101 |
Sapunov V.B. Increase of climate instability and its importance for Russia and China | 102 |
Sitnikov V.L., Komarova A.V. Pedagogical psychology of the future comes from the previous century | 113 |
In Sikun The necessity of maintaining friendship between China and Russia | 122 |
Smirnov P.I. Moral background of international law and the problem of hierarchy of ultimate human values | 124 |
Sugakova L.I. Business-oriented students in the transition period to market economy (the peculiarities of development of Russia and China) | 131 |
Ryabova E.L.
Ternovaya L.O.
Socio-cultural background of the Russian-Chinese relations
This article deals with the historical, political and socio-cultural prerequisites for the successful development of the Russian-Chinese intercultural communication. The authors use a cultural approach to analyze figurative and symbolic variety of two cultures. A special attention is paid to the concepts of “war” and “peace”, matrix of values and general images used in the intercultural communication between the two nations and understanding of their meaning.
Keywords: intercultural communication, dialogue, Russia, China, the national dream.
Arefiev M.A.
Davydenkova A.G.
Russian conservatism as an alternative to the Western model of globalization
The authors of the paper perceive globalization not as a possible model of a westernized world, but as economic, political and cultural intergration, which leaves an opportunity to preserve spiritual traditions and cultural identity. With that said, the paper presents a theoretical analysis of characteristics of the fundamental moral values of contemporary Russian conservatism in comparison with the ideology of Russian classical conservatism. The authors propose to use this comparative analysis as a basis of the model of conservative ideology, because this type of ideology is a thriving one in the multipolar political world.
Keywords: traditional conservatism, neoconservatism domestic, spiritual values.
Sitnikov V.L.
Komarova A.V.
Pedagogical psychology of the future comes from the previous century
In the article, the authors consider the problem of use of principles, forms and methods of forming and teaching effective group interaction. The authors argue that the difficulties in the agenda come from the clash of individualism and collectivism in modern Russian culture. Individualism has already stemmed in our value system, while to build a successful team, one should think of the needs of the many, not of oneself.
The authors propose to use the experience of team building based on humanistic principles of common care and concern. It is known that it was theoretically and empirically developed and proven by long-term experience of scientific and pedagogical activity of Makarenko, I.P.Ivanov, and their followers. The authors talk about the basic psychological and pedagogical principles for the development of an individual in collective activities proposed by Makarenko.
Bessonov E.G.
Informational and analytical support of educational process
The author argues that the problem of the modern society is that hedonism and fight for resources lead to conflicts and opposition. In our global world we need to perceive the planet as an integral organism, which represents our house. The author proposes to change the social environment through constructing a new image of a human being. For this, we need the so-called biosphere-oriented education and informational-algorithmic support of the educational process.
Keywords: Society, education, information and algorithmic support, system integrators, value, globalization.
Bessonova T.N.
Worldview security as one of the socio-cultural basis of escaping from the systemic crisis
The article reveals the importance of the role of ideology in the formation of the personality of a modern man. The author argues that achieving safe and secure worldview will help to escape the systemic crisis of globalization, in which the world is nowadays.
The author concludes that kind words, kind deeds and kind thoughts are to be used as a guideline for every person, especially in the education process. It is important to form youth culture as a culture based on love and respect to each other, patriotism, and defense of national interests.
Keywords: Worldview, security, society, system, crisis, patriotism.
Sapunov V.B.
Increase of climate instability and its importance for Russia and China
The goal of the work is to study the main temperature trends considering global climatic processes, the factors that influence them and possible consequences for the biosphere and the noosphere. The author takes into consideration the scale of the whole world and the regions occupied by Russia and China in particular, especially the northern ones.
To conduct the study, the author used the materials presented by the General Assembly of the EU concerning earth sciences for the period of 2009-2014, as well as other sources. It is concluded that the climate on Earth changes due to its dependence on repeating processes that happen within the system “Earth – Sun – Space”. Modern science is able to predict these factors and, as a result, climate change. But serious climate study must be free from political and economic pressure.
Keywords: global climare, climate, noosphere, biosphere, Russia, China.
Arefiev M.A., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, professor, Head of the Department of History and Culture Studies.
Artamonova L.N., President of International Online Academy of Macro consciousness.
Bessonova T.N., Senior lecturer of the Department of Humanities and Economic Studies. Military Institute of Railroad Troops and Military Communications.
Bessonov E.G., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of Laboratory of Social Engineering, Centre of System Initiatives.
Davydenkova A.G., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, professor, Head of the Department of Social Studies, Political Studies and History.
Dun Fanin, General courier of the City of Beijing.
Fan Tsyanvei, The Institute of Marxism of the Academy of Social Studies of China.
Fetisov V.Ya., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, professor of Saint Petersburg State University.
Go Y., Head of Community of Cultural Development “Dun Fanin”.
Han Sipin, Professor, Head of the Institute of Marxism of Jilin University, Head of the Centre of Research and Development of rural zones.
In Sikun, The Community of Culture Expansion.
Jou Shunzun, Professor of the Institute of Marxism of the Shanghai Pedagogical University.
Juan Fushou, Deputy Director of the Institute of Marxism of Shanghai Pedagogical University, professor.
Klinetskaya N.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior researcher.
Komarova A.V., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Applied Psychology, of Saint Petersburg State University of Communication.
Lee Yan, Head of scientific research center of ideological and political upbringing of North-Eastern Pedagogical University. Professor.
Maryutin V.A., Deputy Director of the Chair of moral and psychological support of the Naval Academy, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor.
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, professor, chief editor of the publishing house “Etnosocium”.
Sapunov V.B., Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor of Saint Petersburg Agrarian University, academician of the Academy of Sciences and Arts n.a. Peter the Great, member of New York Academy of Sciences, member of the European Union of Earth Sciences.
Sitnikov V.L., Professor of Saint Petersburg State University of Communication.
Smirnov P.I., Saint Petersburg State University.
Subbotin V.V., Head of strategic development and ideology, Centre of System Initiatives.
Sugakova L.I., Department of Sociology and Youth Politics of Saint Petersburg State University.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor of MADI.
Uy Haitsin, Senior research worker of the Academy of Marxism, Academy of Social Sciences, China.
Zobov R.A., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, professor of the Department of Philosophy and Technology of the Philosophical Faculty, SPSU.