Volume 12.  Issue 4. (№ 39)

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Borisov I.A., Kiryanova O.A., Nemtseva A.V. The problem of meaning in contemporary art in a socio-cultural crisis
Petrova S.I. Friedrich Nietzsche on culture
Guo Hailun Children’s music schools in Russia and China: the influence of early stages of education on the performing style of pianists
Geng Xiaotong Analysis of the work Music of the Chinese film “Yu Guangqiu”
Meng Xiaoyu Innovations in China’s Contemporary Musical Culture
Pan Yunxiao, Khramova M.V. Dialogue of eastern and western culture in the history of the development of musical art of China
Sun Lingxiao Features of the development of relationships between the fine arts of Russia and the countries of the Far East Asian region in the 18th - 19th centuries
Wu Fan On the impact of digitalization and streaming platforms on the modern music industry
Qiu Yue Art and progress: the impact of changes in technology on porcelain production at the russian imperial porcelain factory
Zhang Haifeng Modern researchers on the negative physical conditions of performing pianists
Chen Yu Formation and development of the school of Russian classical dance
Shi Ke New Opportunities of popularizing Chinese Culture in the digital age
Yu Shuowang Creative specifics of posthumanist poetics in the stories of Viktor Erofeev
Mayakova O.V. Digital culture and visual image
Political  science
Ryabova E.L., Ternovaya L.O. Traditional values of the peoples of Greater Eurasia and the modern world
Gadzhieva R.G. Prospects for the development of modern political leadership in public administration
Rybalchenko K.A. Current Security Relations between the Russian Federation and the United States
Mutalimov A.E., Ibragimov M.A. Dynamics of civil society formation – an indicator of growth of political freedom
Sun Xiaomeng Strategies of collective behavior of states on the international arena


Borisov I.A.
Kiryanova O.A.
Nemtseva A.V.
The problem of meaning in contemporary art in a socio-cultural crisis
The article explores the problem of understanding contemporary art in terms of its semantic content. The problem of communication (dialogue) between the director, actors and spectators is also posed, which is based on a hermeneutic triangle.
The problem of communication between the director and the audience is closely related to the problem of understanding and mutual understanding, which cannot be considered in isolation from interpretation. Based on the position of A. France that "each work is not completed," due to interpretation, an adequate and most complete understanding of the meaning of the work of art is achieved.
We come to the conclusion that art is a process of co-creation of all three sides: author, director, viewer, who must understand each other, i.e. convey and understand a thought or meaning. Theatrical art arises in the presence of the viewer as an act of co-creation, which is born due to mutual understanding between the participants in communication. In the context of the socio-cultural crisis, this problem is actualized, in connection with the need to create a new picture of the world in society as a basis for its sustainability and harmonious development. And art is conceived as one of the models of harmonious structure.
In the article we use the interpretive method, Schlick's method, hermeneutic approach, value approach.
Key words: artistic image, art, theater, interpretation, meaning, social crisis, directing, theater studies, work of art, contemporary art, understanding.
Petrova S.I.
Friedrich Nietzsche on culture
Friedrich Nietzsche remained in memory as a cruel reviewer and merciless critic. His criticism of culture is associated with the experience of the crisis of the era, the loss of cultural values, fatigue and disappointment characteristic of Modern Times. His philosophy is not a coherent system, but rather a bunch of aphorisms, creating a peculiar vision of culture. The article shows that in the course of the development of philosophical views, F. Nietzsche develops certain concepts and metaphors associated with the concept of "culture": vitality, vitality, abundance and decline of culture, Dionysian and Apollonian principles, criticism of Christian culture, cultural aristocracy and nihilism. Existentialism, interacting with the ideas of F. Nietzsche, emphasizes the importance of freedom of choice and responsibility to oneself and the world, recalling the need to accept personal life and manifest one's true self, regardless of external factors and social standards. Postmodernism, in turn, is based on the ideas of F. Nietzsche about the destruction of metaphysical truths and the rejection of universal norms.
Key words: Nietzsche, nihilism, philosophy, culture, existentialism, postmodernism, modernism.
Guo Hailun
Children's music schools in Russia and China: the influence of early stages of education on the performing style of pianists
The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the educational process in children's music schools in Russia and China for further exchange of positive experiences and improvement of the quality of education. The article examines the historical aspect of the formation of approaches to learning, the process of their evolution, current trends in music education, as well as the importance of various disciplines and their impact on the key professional skills of a musician. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that in this work it is proposed not only to exchange modern practical and theoretical experience, but also to turn to the origins of the profession, delving into the historical aspect of the development of music, which made it possible to bring piano playing to a high level. As a result of the study, the main components of high-quality music education in the early stages were identified, allowing students to use the greatest number of opportunities and develop all the necessary professional skills.
Key words: music education, children's music school, performing style, piano.
Geng Xiaotong
Analysis of the work Music of the Chinese film “Yu Guangqiu”
This study, devoted to the analysis of the composition and work of music of the Chinese film "Yu Guangqiu" (渔光曲), aims to analyze the thematic concept of the film's music, the features of its compositional and harmonic syntax, as well as the problems of artistic concept. First, unlike the traditional narrative style, the music in "Yu Guangqiu" forms a unique style of film music through its tempo pattern, intensity placement, and the role of piano accompaniment. Second, this study provides an overview of the history and development of film music and examines the role of film music in conveying emotion and engaging audiences. Further, the work examines in detail the creative process of creating music for the film "Yu Guangqiu", analyzing the composer's creative inspiration and the choice of musical elements. The study further examines the interaction of music with themes and emotions by analyzing the interaction of music and film in Yu Guangqiu's film. In addition, elements of music such as sound, melody and rhythm are analyzed. Finally, summarizing the key role of music in film, this study concludes the importance of music in providing deeper emotional experiences and moving the plot of a film. This dissertation provides recommendations and conclusions for the study of film music and its application in film.
Key words: Chinese film music, Yu Guangqu, creative process, thematic concept, musical analysis.
Meng Xiaoyu
Innovations in China's Contemporary Musical Culture
This article analyzes innovations within the framework of modern Chinese musical culture. The author provides a brief description of the concept of “pop music”, as well as the history of its development. The author pays special attention to such musicians as Wang Lee Hom and Jay Chou. The artists mentioned in this study are figures who stand out in contemporary musical culture due to their musical styles. They write, compose and are instrumentalists. Some combine traditional music with popular music. Very often they only include the sound of traditional instruments in their songs. The cultivation of traditions, even in such an external form, is nevertheless a feature of the Chinese mentality. This is probably also partly due to the influx of Western music, with the crisis of Chinese identity after the Cultural Revolution. So this is a manifestation of aspiration - a return to the past and a manifestation of innovation - to answer the key question of who we are.
Key words: China, music, modernity, innovation, culture.
Pan Yunxiao
Khramova M.V.
Dialogue of eastern and western culture in the history of the development of musical art of China
The musical art of China is a unique and multifaceted phenomenon that can be characterized from several sides at once: as an original and stable and, at the same time, adaptive and flexible structure. Chinese music has gone through many stages of development, which were largely associated with the integration of elements of the Western musical tradition. This article will examine the main stages of the integration of Western culture into Chinese musical art, which led to the emergence of intercultural dialogue in the field of vocal and instrumental performance. Object of study: musical art of China. Purpose of the study: to conduct a retrospective analysis of the development of Chinese musical art in the context of the influence of Western culture on it. Research methods: analysis of literary sources on the research topic, logical-abstract method, comparison, retrospective method. Scientific novelty: the key stages in the development of Chinese musical and vocal art are considered in the framework of its dialogue with Western culture.
Key words: Chinese musical art, Western music, Westernization, Chinese culture, missionary work, school song genre, Chinese opera, dialogue of cultures, vocal performance, instrumental genres.
Sun Lingxiao
Features of the development of relationships between the fine arts of Russia and the countries of the Far East Asian region in the 18th - 19th centuries
In the article, the author reveals the importance of orientalism for the fine arts of Russia in the XVIII - XIX centuries, the prerequisites for its emergence, ways and means of dissemination. This style is interpreted not only from an art criticism, but also from a philosophical and socio-political point of view, which gives a complete picture of a separate stage in the development of Russian culture. The article focuses on the biography and work of outstanding Russian artists, one way or another connected with orientalism, reveals the features of their artistic handwriting, symbolism and cultural significance of some of their works.
Key words: fine art, orientalism, dichotomy "East-West", V.V. Vereshchagin, World of Art, A.I. Chirkov.
Wu Fan
On the impact of digitalization and streaming platforms on the modern music industry
The purpose of the study is to highlight the influence of modern musical trends on musicians and listeners due to the digitalization of the industry, as well as the mutual influence of actors in this system. This article examines the changes that have occurred in the music industry due to the advent of streaming multimedia. In particular, it examines how these changes affected listeners, performers and, directly, music, as well as what influence the actors have on each other. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that this article is the first attempt at an independent analysis of the impact of streaming systems on all participants in the process. As a result of the study, it was found that all actors turn out to be interdependent and directly affect each other. At the same time, this influence carries with it not only the development of the industry, but also leads to its involution, posing new challenges to musicians and identifying new questions and problems for researchers of the sociology of culture and the history of the development of its individual areas.
Key words: streaming, music industry, digitalization, streaming platforms, streaming media.
Qiu Yue
Art and progress: the impact of changes in technology on porcelain production at the russian imperial porcelain factory
The technology of porcelain production has been known to mankind for thousands of years, but only a little over three hundred years ago they learned to produce porcelain in Russia. The first Russian porcelain factory is the Imperial Porcelain Factory. It began the history of producing porcelain masterpieces that are admired by the whole world.
Humanity has known how to make ceramic products for a very long time; craftsmen from different countries sought to unravel these secrets. At first, ordinary dishes were made from clay, but gradually pottery developed and people learned to cook porcelain. Gradually, porcelain production moved from the production of household items to the production of art objects. The author describes the history of the development of production at the Imperial Porcelain Factory, answering the question of whether technical progress and modern technologies influenced production. The main goal is to describe whether progress and art can exist together and complement each other. Today there is a lot of debate about whether art and progress can coexist and whether it is possible to use the achievements of technology and science to create works of art. It is important to describe what is the difference in the production of porcelain products between the past and present, or whether progress has not made changes in the production of porcelain products.
Despite the fact that the recipe and production technology are kept secret, we can analyze how and why modern technologies were introduced into production. The article aims to show the role of modern technologies in the production of high-end porcelain products.
Key words: Russian Imperial Porcelain Factory, ceramics, porcelain, porcelain production, porcelain recipe, production technology, texture, clay, design, painting.
Zhang Haifeng
Modern researchers on the negative physical conditions of performing pianists
According to statistics, at least 50% of musicians who annually seek medical help for their injuries are pianists. The causes of their injuries are different, but the wrong technique of the game is the leading factor affecting the development of injury. However, musicians are not inclined to talk about injuries and the consequences of intensive training, all negative physical conditions should remain behind the scenes, and on stage there is not just a musical piece playing, on stage the musician demonstrates his professional skills, the result of his professional activity. Injury means for many a sign of weakness and professional unfitness. In this case, a feeling of fear of losing a job, being professionally unfit is superimposed on the injury, which increases pop excitement more and more. The article reveals the causes of negative physical conditions of musicians-pianists, as well as a number of recommendations for their prevention. 
Key words: negative physical conditions, violation of the musculoskeletal system, emotional and physical condition, violation of playing technique, piano performers.
Chen Yu
Formation and development of the school of Russian classical dance
This article reveals the specifics of Russian classical dance, which is the basis of ballet art. The aim of the article is to trace the evolution of the Russian classical dance, to reveal its distinctive features and stylistic peculiarities. The following methods are used in this article: historical method, comparative method, method of art history analysis. The results of the study showed that, despite the Italian and French roots of classical ballet, Russian classical dance followed its own path of development. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that even foreign choreographers and teachers did not detach classical dance from the national manner of performance, which made the Russian school inimitable and famous. 
Key words: classical dance, Russian ballet, Russian ballet school, French ballet school, choreography.
Shi Ke
New opportunities of popularizing Chinese culture in the digital age
This article explores the possibilities of digital technologies in the process of popularizing Chinese traditional culture. The aim of the article is to examine the ways of disseminating Chinese cultural heritage in the world. The paper utilized descriptive and comparative research methods. The results of the study showed that digital technologies help not only to popularize Chinese culture, but also to preserve Chinese cultural values for future generations. The author of the article concludes that in order to popularize traditional Chinese culture, it is necessary to actively create digital platforms that will help the user to get to know more deeply the masterpieces of one of the world's oldest cultures - Chinese culture.
Key words: cultural heritage, traditional Chinese culture, digital technology, Internet, online game, Dunhuang.
Yu Shuowang
Creative specifics of posthumanist poetics in the stories of Viktor Erofeev
This article is devoted to the problem of posthumanist poetics of Viktor Erofeev. Posthumanism is a reflection on humanism, rejecting the overvaluation of man and asserting that traditional humanism is, in fact, the formation of a myth about anthropocentrism. From the 1960s to the period of the “new literary wave,” one of the phenomena in Russian (or Soviet) culture was a sharp decline in the assessment of people. As a representative of the “other prose,” Viktor Erofeev deconstructed the myth of man, depicting the innate evil in the depths of the human heart, and built a unique post-humanist poetics.
Key words: Viktor Erofeev, posthumanism, anti-anthropocentrism, poetics.
Mayakova O.V.
Digital culture and visual image
An overabundance of visual information in the modern world, life behind a computer monitor and a phone screen - all this is no longer news.
Society is no longer called information society, but digital society. Virtual reality is increasingly replacing the real one, and the system of views, symbols and values that have developed there claims to be defined as “digital culture.” Researchers of this phenomenon consider several levels of its mental and spiritual components. The author of the article, a television documentary maker who is in constant search for a successful visual image, is trying to draw a digital portrait of a modern television viewer from the perspective of cultural studies, psychology, and media communications.
Key words: digital culture, visual turn, visual image, digitalization, Cybercultural Studies, video ecology, social networks, Artificial intelligence.
Ryabova E.L.
Ternovaya L.O.
Traditional values of the peoples of Greater Eurasia and the modern world
In recent years, history and traditional values closely associated with it have come under one of the most serious tests. The attempt to replace them with the universal values underlying the liberal model of globalization has failed. Despite the collapse of the mondialist project, its persistent imposition on states and peoples by representatives of Western civilization left serious gaps in the spiritual space of Eurasia. An appeal to traditional values helps close these gaps. An example of such a policy is public diplomacy and the holding of the Forum “Traditional Values of the Peoples of the East and the Modern World” in April 2024 in Dushanbe.
Key words: civilizations, globalization, Eurasia, traditional values, education, public diplomacy, diplomacy of religions.
Gadzhieva R.G.
Prospects for the development of modern political leadership in public administration
Prospects for the development of modern political leadership in public administration are associated with the development of personal qualities of leaders based on different types of intellects, the use of technology, the development of interpersonal skills, increasing the representation of women, as well as attracting into power structures members of the SBO who have already strengthened their character, and through the prism of danger They see the world in its true colors and with a consciousness unclouded by consumerism and false values.
Key words: prospects, development, leadership, politics, political science, management.
Rybalchenko K.A.
Current Security Relations between the Russian Federation and the United States
The security relations between Russia and the United States directly influence the European security model. However, the dialogue between the two countries today is also undergoing a crisis stage for a number of reasons: the absence of an approved draft treaty on security guarantees between Russia and the United States, the absence of a signed agreement on security measures between Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization states, the suspension of Russia's participation in many arms control treaties (START, START-3; CFE Treaty; INF Treaty; CTBT; Treaty on Open Skies), the absence of ratification by the United States of many arms control treaties, and the aggravation of the Ukrainian conflict. All of the above-mentioned reasons only distances the countries from organizing joint efforts to form a unified security system in Europe. 
Key words: US, Russian Federation, START-3, ABM Treaty, CFE Treaty, NATO, INF Treaty, draft treaty on security assurances between Russia and the US, Russia and NATO.
Mutalimov A.E.
Ibragimov M.A.
Dynamics of civil society formation – an indicator of growth of political freedom
The purpose of the work is to study the formation of civil society, as an indicator of the growth of political freedom, in Russian regions at the municipal level, its understanding and use by government officials in their professional activities. Working methods. The research is based not only on general scientific methodology, which involves the use of a systematic approach, but also on the methods of O. Comte, which are successfully working at the present time. The basis of this work is the works of domestic and foreign specialists. Results. In modern conditions, when the presence of civil society is a necessary social institution, as a result of the objective development of the political system of society, research shows that the action of the structural elements of civil society is not always positively perceived by representatives of local municipal authorities. The civil society institution exists as a political opponent at all levels of government. Scope of results. The results can be used in the formation of a political system of the middle and lower echelons of political power. A society develops well if the majority of its citizens share common attitudes and values. Citizens must really feel that according to the constitution they are “Bearers of sovereignty and a source of power.” Conclusions: a political science analysis of the development of the institution of civil society is necessary to overcome complex obstacles and problems of interaction between civil society and all structures of civil society. Positively-minded civil society institutions can contribute to the search for compromise solutions in the relationship between the state and society.
Key words: collective mind, “conciliar thinking”, civil society, political freedom, “commune” as a civil society, civil society as a self-organizing and self-regulating sphere of public life.
Sun Xiaomeng
Strategies of collective behavior of states on the international arena
This article reveals the model of collective behavior of the Western countries in the international arena on the issues of strategic cooperation in the field of foreign policy. The aim of the article is to determine the peculiarities of the common foreign policy line of the EU countries and to reveal the reasons for the coordinated actions of the EU against Russia. The following research methods were used in the article: analytical method, method of comparative analysis, political science method. The results of the study showed that the collective behavior of states does not always positively affect the processes of international politics. The author of the article concludes that the collective behavior of the EU countries is aimed at destabilizing the political situation in the world, because it affects only the interests of the European Union. 
Key words: collective behavior, European Union (EU), NATO, collective security, Russia.


Borisov I.A., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical, Social Psychology and Humanities. Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk.
Chen Yu, Bachelor of the 4th year. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Ibragimov M.A., Candidate of Political Sciences Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines, North Caucasus Institute (branch) of All-Russian State University of Justice (RlA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) in Makhachkala.
Gadzhieva R.G., Candidate of Psychological Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department of National and Federal Relations, Faculty of International Regional Studies and Regional Management. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Geng Xiaotong, Postgraduate student, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, St. Petersburg.
Guo Hailun, Master, lecturer. Tianjin Media College.
Khramova M.V., Scientific director, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.
Kiryanova O.A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Art History. Baikal State University, Irkutsk.
Mayakova O.V., Postgraduate student 3 years of study, senior lecturer Faculty of Journalism. Institute of Film and Television (GITR).
Meng Xiaoyu, Institute of Social and Humanitarian education, Moscow Pedagogical State University.
Mutalimov A.E., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines. North Caucasus Institute (branch) of All-Russian State University of Justice (RlA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) in Makhachkala.
Nemtseva A.V., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy and Art History. Baikal State University, Irkutsk.
Pan Yunxiao, Postgraduate Student, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.
Petrova S.I., Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor. NAN CHOU VO "IMSIT Academy" (Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies), Krasnodar.
Qiu Yue, Postgraduate student. St. Petersburg University of Industrial Technologies and Design.
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Editor-in-chief of the journal “Ethnosociety and Interethnic Culture”.
Rybalchenko K.A., Student. Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok.
Shi Ke, Graduate student. FSAEI "Siberian Federal University".
Sun Lingxiao, 3rd year graduate student, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Saint-Petersburg.
Sun Xiaomeng, Master. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.
Wu Fan, Master. St. Petersburg State Conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov.
Yu Shuowang, School of Russian language, Sichuan International Studies University.
Zhang Haifeng, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, Institute of music, theatre and choreography.