Volume 12.  Issue 3. (№ 38)

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All the submitted materials are reviewed.


Kardashevskaya L.I. The role of hunting in the Evenk musical folklore
Wang Hao Historical retrospective of the bel canto style
Du Juan Chinese mosaic art of Luo-dian: development of craft andanalysis of ornament
Kerouac A.V. Satirical comedy as an archaizing trend: using the example of the film “Eyes Wide Shut” by S. Kubrick (1999)
Li Zhi Aesthetic features of Soviet sculpture
Liu Xu Chinese traditional culture in the digital age: problems and prospects
Marenkov R.E. Generation of music culture in far east of Russia
Ostapenkо A.S. «Truth of knowledge» and «truth of opinion»: to questions about representation and perception of authenticity on the example of domestic documentary cinema
Ni Shiwei, Sorokina M.A. The Teaching of Sculpture and Classical Ceramic Paradigms
Tian Xiaoya Issues of vocalist education in Chinese Universities
Zhao Xiaolu From art to science: current issues of our time
Zhao Qixin Research of an innovative way for forming a hostel culture in chinese high schools in the age of internet plus
Zheng Dongni Comparative analysis of higher professional vocal education in China and Russia
Chen Ke The construction of the mountain city of Lisbon and the image of «Rome on the water»
Yao Siconghui A study of the application and expression of natural themes in the royal decorative arts of the Ming and Qing dynasty
Mirin I.G. Reproducing the style of the series of works by F. Bacon “screaming popes” with the help of artificial intelligence, an art criticism view
Political  science
Napso M.D., Agirbov T.R. Some aspects of nationalism: essence and implications for a globalising world
Mandritsa A.V., Hristichenko E.E., Nechay E.E. E-government: obstacles and prospects for development in Russia
Mamedov A.A. Crisis of Sensate System in Fine Arts and Cultural Policy
Liang Yupeng Research of educational management of youth online self-organizations in universities in the Internet age
Egorov V.O., Petrenko D.I. The specifics of the coverage of the ethnocultural component in the Russian mass media
Portnov A.O., Soboleva Z.Yu., Zyablova E.Yu. Modern challenges, problems and prospects for a healthy lifestyle in the 21st century society
Sun Zhiqi Russian foreign policy in Southeast Asia: current problems and prospects
Huang Yaxin Peculiarities of the international policy problems coverage in cross-media
Xu Haowei Research on social anxiety among young people
Current  issues  of  science  and  innovation
Ilarionova T.S. National state vs world republic of I. Kant
Li Jun Architectural modelling and features of its development in the context of studying ethnic ornament by design students
Wang Na Textbook as an important component of foreign language learning
Lu Kangdi Augmented and virtual reality technologies in the process of teaching Chinese as a foreign language
Zhang Xiaoxiao Media and journalism: main development trends
Yang Xiyun Preservation and transmission of cultural values in the digital age: technological innovation and sustainable development
Li Jun Development of ethnic style interior as a learning task in the context of professional training of a teacher-designer


Kardashevskaya L.I.
The role of hunting in the Evenk musical folklore
The article considers the semblance of onomatopoeia of the Evenkis, used by them in hunting and performed on phono instruments, such as a birch bark pipe (for red deer), a talnik whistle (for grouse), a birch bark squeaker (for musk deer), a whistle from a dried neck of a bird (for capercaillie). In some onomatopoeia, the researchers identified certain melodic contours, which allowed them to substantiate the theory of the origin of normative intervals in the musical thinking of the Evenkis, as well as to determine their source of song melody. In addition, the article draws attention to the ancient Ikenipke ritual, recorded by the linguist and ethnographer G.M. Vasilevich at the beginning of the XX century. The rite is a roundup process in the form of an eight-day round dance led by a shaman. The author of the article, based on the text describing the rite, attempts to determine the tempo and features of the melody of round dance chants from Ikenipke.
Key words: evenkis, musical folklore, hunting, decoy, phono instrument, onomatopoeia, ritual, round dance, holiday.
Wang Hao
Historical retrospective of the bel canto style
This article provides a historical retrospective of the bel canto style - a special direction in vocal performance that originated in Italy and has a rich and continuous development throughout the world. Purpose: the purpose of the study is to conduct a historical retrospective of the bel canto style in order to understand its formation, development and influence on the musical culture of different eras. The authors strive to trace the key stages of the formation and evolution of this unique performance style. Methods: to achieve this goal, the authors used a comprehensive method of historical and cultural analysis, the study of original sources, an analytical review of theoretical works and musical works, as well as a conceptual and comparative approach. Results: the results of the study allowed the authors to identify key trends and characteristics of the bel canto style at various stages of its development. The influence and contribution of outstanding composers, singers and teachers in the formation and modernization of this style at different times were analyzed. Conclusions: the study of the historical retrospective of the bel canto style allowed us to draw a conclusion about its significance for the development of musical culture and performing and singing art. The bel canto style had a huge influence on the formation of vocal performance and became an indispensable part of the classical musical tradition.
Key words: belcanto, vocal art, musical culture, music history, composers, singers, vocal technique, classical performance.
Du Juan
Chinese mosaic art of Luo-dian: development of craft andanalysis of ornament
Luo-Dian is a Chinese decorative technique that involves mother-of-pearl inlay, and it boasts a long and storied history. Its origin can be traced back to the period of the Zhou dynasty (c. 1027 - 256 BC), during which it was at the height of its popularity. While lacquerware is the most common medium for Luo-Dian decoration, it can also be used to adorn metal objects.
During the Zhou period, the basic principles of ornamentation for inlaid works of art were developed. The vivid visual effects, combined with rich symbolic content, made the Luo-Dian technique famous worldwide.
Key words: Chinese art, lacquer miniature, inlay mother of pearl, Luo-Dian, Ming Dynasty.
Kerouac A.V.
Satirical comedy as an archaizing trend: using the example of the film “Eyes Wide Shut” by S. Kubrick (1999)
The article examines the phenomenon of the archaization of modern culture, which is reflected in modern satirical comedies. At the stage of transformation, society turns to the genre of satire when it becomes necessary to comprehend contradictory political and social processes. Satire, as one of the most ancient genres, in turn means cultural and spiritual archaization — the appeal of the author and the viewer to the deeper layers of history and human consciousness. In the film "With eyes Wide Closed" S. Kubrick (1999) the author puts together the plot, repeating the classic structure of the joke — the denouement of the film deceives the viewer's expectations and causes a comic effect. The secondary characters of the film do not take everything that is happening seriously, unlike the main character, so the main character becomes a comic character. The main character of the film wears a mask, both literally and metaphorically, thus he becomes the embodiment of the character of the Commedia dell'arte Pulcinella, described in his study by J. Agamben. Modern satirical comedy, as the heiress of the ancient Greek tradition, currently continues to be a popular genre and reveals the undying interest of modern society in the revival of the archaic.
Key words: satire, archaic, neo-archaic, comedy, pulcinella, del arte, archaization of culture.
Li Zhi
Aesthetic features of Soviet sculpture
Soviet sculptural art appears to the world in a grandiose, severe and majestic appearance. This form of artistic expression formed a unique style, different from the sculpture of Ancient Rome, the Italian Renaissance, which mainly depicted mythological characters or aristocrats, as well as different from Eastern Buddhist statues expressing religious beliefs. This is an unprecedented style, an aesthetic language based on ideology, a manifestation of heroism rooted in the national character, a high human spirit awakened by a great tragedy, as well as the external embodiment of ideals and freedom. In these difficult circumstances, the style of "Soviet aesthetics" in sculpture was born.
Key words: Soviet sculpture, aesthetic language, Soviet history, aesthetics of sculpture.
Liu Xu
Chinese traditional culture in the digital age: problems and prospects
This article raises the issue of correlation between information technologies of the digital age and cultural heritage. The aim of the article is to show how Chinese cultural heritage gets a "second life" on the digital platforms of the Internet on the example of Chinese traditional culture. The paper utilized descriptive and comparative research methods. The results of the study showed that digital technologies help not only to promote Chinese traditional culture, but also to preserve China's cultural heritage. The author of the paper concludes that to represent traditional Chinese culture, it is necessary to actively create digital platforms and create projects that help to discover the masterpieces of traditional Chinese culture to the user.
Key words: culture, traditional Chinese culture, Chinese civilization, digital technology, Dunhuang.
Marenkov R.E.
Generation of music culture in far east of Russia
The article scrutinixes the generation of music culture in Far East of Russia in the framework of forming Russian Far Eastern culture. The author considers the main periods of the country’s history, within the framework of which musical performance is born and developed in Far East. The article raises issues of music education and its impact on the formation of the musical environment in all cities of the region. Data from the population census are given. The growth of the region’s population and its direct impact on the development of artistic life of society. The issue of accession of new territories and interregional communication.
Key words: history, culture, music, music performer, theory, education, art, Far East of Russia.
Ostapenkо A.S.
«Truth of knowledge» and «truth of opinion»: to questions about representation and perception of authenticity on the example of domestic documentary cinema
Judgments about the conflict of objective and subjective knowledge are presented on the example of domestic documentary cinema with a deeper analysis of the problem of representation of reliable information through the documentary image. For better identification and understanding of the problem, the terms «truth of knowledge» and «truth of opinion» are proposed for use in the evaluation of film documents.
Key words: post-truth, postmodernism, truth, opinion, knowledge, documentary, postdoc, dialectic.
Ni Shiwei
Sorokina M.A.
The teaching of sculpture and classical ceramic paradigms
The author, an assistant at the Ceramic Workshop at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Ilya Repin, is a sculptor-ceramist. Through personal experience, this article highlights the practical application of classical ceramic technologies and methods in teaching sculpture. During the learning process, emphasis should be placed on enabling students to acquire relevant knowledge and skills to convert their creative ideas and imagination into tangible works of art.
Key words: sculpture education, Chinese ceramics, Russian ceramics, Konakovo faience factory, LZFI, monochrome glaze, Figurine, sculpture, Tradition, Tang san cai, Shivan.
Tian Xiaoya
Issues of vocalist education in Chinese Universities
The article analyzes the peculiarities of the process of teaching singers at Chinese universities. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the vocalist profession is rapidly gaining popularity among Chinese students. The author pays special attention to the fact that in the learning process it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of students in order to form the performing style of vocalists. When working with students, a scientific approach should be used to develop artistic, aesthetic and musical thinking, to provide students with the opportunity to independently interpret vocal works studied in the lesson that correspond to the curriculum and meet the interests and abilities of students. The author has established that vocal music is an artistic form of expressing emotions and an artistic image through vocal and performing activities. When teaching singing, teachers should be guided by the recommendations of leading teachers, their own experience, advanced technologies and a deep understanding of the psychological and physical characteristics, performance capabilities of each student. Studying the professional training of Chinese vocalists will help teachers and vocalists find the right way to master vocal performance skills.
Key words: China, musical education, vocal, training, upbringing, performing skills, individual characteristics.
Zhao Xiaolu
From art to science: current issues of our time
The author set out to explore the emergence of points of synthesis between science and art throughout development from the moment of its inception to the present. Extensive historical, artistic and scientific material was studied, and a synthesis between the disciplines under consideration was shown using specific examples. The location and influence of science and art on the civilizational process are considered. In his work, the author used the following methods, synthesis and analysis, theoretical, inductive, comparative. As a result of the work done, the author came to the conclusion about the relevance of the impact of artificial intelligence on science, technology and art, the need for an adequate response related to this phenomenon.
Key words: artificial intelligence, the phenomenon of art, civilization, computerization, fine arts.
Zhao Qixin
Research of an innovative way for forming a hostel culture in chinese high schools in the age of internet plus
The scientific article is devoted to the modern educational context. The key factor is to create a community culture in China's higher education institutions and colleges. With technological progress and the widespread spread of the Internet, new opportunities arise for creating innovative approaches to the formation of a communal way of life. This scientific work conducted a study of the formation and progressive development of hostel culture in Chinese higher schools using the online mode. This research article presents the results of a study of an innovative approach to creating a community culture in Chinese high schools and colleges in the context of the digital space. The author of the article studies the influence of online technologies on student interaction processes, the organization of social life and the formation of community. The results of this study open up the prospect of online resources for improving student living conditions and improving educational conditions. The object of the study is the dormitory culture in Chinese high schools and colleges in the era of digitalization. The purpose of the study is to study the influence of Internet technologies on the formation of a hostel culture in Chinese higher schools and colleges, as well as to identify potential innovative solutions to improve the living conditions of students. Research methods: literature review, data collection (questionnaire), interviews with students and dormitory administrations, monitoring the activity of students in the online space, studying cultural customs in a variety of student dormitories. The scientific novelty of the study presents a preliminary analysis of the impact of digital technologies on the dormitory culture in Chinese universities and colleges. The author of the study identifies the potential of online opportunities for improving the social environment in dormitories and the creation of innovative methods for the formation of social life in educational organizations.
Key words: hostel, culture, higher education, Internet, innovation, cohesion, students.
Zheng Dongni
Comparative analysis of higher professional vocal education in China and Russia
Goal. This article is a comparative analysis of the system of higher professional vocal education in China and Russia. Results. The author explores the main features of vocal art education in two countries, considering training programs, methodologies, teaching staff, conditions for the practice and development of students' musical abilities. Conclusions and methods. The author notes that music education is lifelong education, and the methods of music education should also continue to be introduced and improved, constantly absorb new achievements of the new era and better serve the aesthetic education and comprehensive development of students.
Key words: music education, vocals, aesthetics, Russia, China.
Chen Ke
The construction of the mountain city of Lisbon and the image of "Rome on the water"
The unique appearance of Lisbon was formed as a result of an extensive dialogue of civilizations. In the process of historical development, the relationship between the city and the river is being transformed, leading to a change in the appearance of Lisbon. The importance of the river for the development of the city and its culture determines the purpose of the study – to study the historical development of the architecture of Lisbon, its embankment and port. The research methodology is based on an integrated system-structural approach to the consideration of key aspects of the architectural and urban development of Lisbon and its coastal infrastructure. The study showed a close connection between the history, culture and architecture of Lisbon. After the earthquake of 1755, the image of the city and the orientation of urban development were changed. From the end of the 19th to the end of the 20th century, the port infrastructure was actively developing in Lisbon, the Tagus River was separated from the city and was perceived as an important element of local industry. Since the end of the XX century. Lisbon has embarked on a more balanced development that restores and strengthens the city's connection with the river.
Key words: Lisbon, Tagus River, architecture, port, embankment, development.
Yao Siconghui
A study of the application and expression of natural themes in the royal decorative arts of the Ming and Qing dynasty
The history of the development of Chinese art shows that it has always been based on traditions and national philosophy. The medieval period was no exception to this concept. This article examines the influence of the general vector of development of Chinese culture during the reign of the Ming and Qing dynasties on the styles and types of painting, the reasons for the increased interest in depicting landscapes, both on canvases and on decorative items. During the study, individual elements and motifs of natural themes in the design of decorative items were studied and the features of the two periods under consideration were compared. The object of the study is the decorative art of China during the Ming and Qing dynasties. The purpose of the study is to study the image of natural objects and landscape scenes on decorative items of the Ming and Qing eras, to identify their symbolic meaning and characteristic features. During the study, the following methods were used: axiological, method of analysis, comparison and generalization, diachronic, analysis of literary sources, abstraction. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the formulation of a comparative description of the use and expression of natural themes in the decorative arts of two historical periods in the development of Chinese culture - the reign of the Ming and Qing dynasties.
Key words: decorative art of China, natural motifs, landscape painting in decoration, Ming and Qing eras, cultural heritage of China.
Mirin I.G.
Reproducing the style of the series of works by F. Bacon “screaming popes” with the help of artificial intelligence, an art criticism view
The object of the study is the technology of image generation using AI. In a narrower sense, the subject can be considered the technology of artificial intelligence pr-training to copy the author's style. The subject of the study, in turn, becomes the author's style, which means a set of original features of an image or a group of images that allow you to recognize the author of a work of art and give his work a unique individual coloring. The central focus of this work is on methods, methods and approaches that allow you to create images using artificial intelligence, which can withstand close art criticism comparison with original works. The aspect of the importance of a comprehensive and detailed description of the original works to ensure the possibility of such copying is considered separately. This work describes an experiment in which an already trained artificial intelligence, which is not able to create anything even remotely like the work of a given author, goes through certain stages of pretraining, which allow you to create images that, under certain conditions, can be considered as lost works of the target author. The scientific value of this study lies in the fact that it has been practically proven that it is possible to create images that are extremely like the given style of the original author if AI training materials are carefully prepared using methods of comparative art criticism. The scientific novelty of the research is due to the fact that for the first-time artificial intelligence training was conducted using materials prepared and marked up using approaches and methods of comparative art criticism. The author's special contribution to the study was the simultaneous application of approaches of art criticism and practices from data science and related branches of applied informatics. The main conclusion that was made as a result of the experiment was that it is possible to extremely accurately imitate the original author's style of the artist using the means of modern artificial intelligence, subject to two important conditions: 1) It is necessary to carefully select works of appropriate quality that have a pronounced general stylistic orientation and similar semantic content; 2) Each of the images selected for training should be provided with detailed descriptions made using art history techniques that allow the AI algorithm to correctly remember the contents of the images.
Key words: AI in arts, comparative art history, Francis Bacon, generative art, Art theory, Inceptionism, reproduction of style, mimesis, diffusion models, Stable Diffusion.
Napso M.D.
Agirbov T.R.
Some aspects of nationalism: essence and implications for a globalising world
The article deals with the problematics of nationalism. It analyses its contradictory nature, focuses on the study of the concepts of "right" and "wrong" nationalism. The demand for various forms of nationalism by political, economic and ethnic realities is traced. The phenomenon of nationalism is considered as an instrument of political influence, as an ideology and as a relevant practice. The role of nationalism as a mechanism of confronting threats - real and imaginary - is shown. 
Key words: nationalism, "right" nationalism, "wrong" nationalism, globalisation, fragmеration, separatism, liberalism.
Mandritsa A.V.
Hristichenko E.E.
Nechay E.E.
E-government: obstacles and prospects for development in Russia
The significant changes of the twenty-first century, including an increase in the level of technological progress and the acceleration of information exchange, are improving various spheres of life, without bypassing the political sphere and the sphere of public administration. And the emergence and implementation of innovative technologies is determined by an increase in the level of management in all spheres of life. Currently, the most effective is the organization of public administration based on electronic means of processing, transmitting and distributing information, which can be implemented within the framework of e-government. The article analyzes the theoretical concepts of the formation of the term e-government itself, as well as its structural elements. Significant disadvantages that limit the development of e-government are highlighted, while possible development prospects in Russia are considered separately.
The work provides an understanding of the role of e-government in the political process and identifies trends in the development of the Russian political system, taking into account the latest trends of the information technology age. At the same time, it is noted that the development of e-government in Russia in the future implies an increase in opportunities for effective interaction of citizens with each other and with various government structures, as well as a transition to a qualitatively new level of interaction of citizens with the government and other participants in the socio-political sphere due to the widespread introduction of information and communication technologies and reduction of administrative barriers. 
Key words: e-government, public services, super services, information and communication technologies, e-democracy.
Mamedov A.A.
Crisis of Sensate System in Fine Arts and Cultural Policy
P.A. Sorokin, celebrating his anniversary this year, was recognized as one of the most influential scholars of the 20th century. His scientific interests included many topics: family and marriage issues, theory of law, political crises, fluctuation of cultural systems. His work was seriously influenced by his life experience: it affected his choice of topics and his attitude to them. In this article we will make an attempt to analyze United States cultural policy in the context of Pitirim A. Sorokin's theory of cultural super-systems with institutional method, comparative analysis and biographical method. It is shown that the cultural policy of the US has not undergone drastic changes since 1960’s and in order to enhance it some refining may be considered.
Key words: Pitirim Sorokin, social and cultural dynamics, cultural policy, fine arts.
Liang Yupeng
Research of educational management of youth online self-organizations in universities in the Internet age
Currently, with the development of technology and access to the Internet, student online self-organizations are becoming more common and important for the youth educational environment. Scientific work is aimed at obtaining knowledge in the field of educational management of these organizations at universities, the influence on the learning processes and self-education of students. This scientific article examines the influence of the Internet and online platforms in the formation and learning process of youth self-organizations, in addition to the impact on the academic atmosphere of higher educational institutions. The study of management processes in the field of education of youth online self-organizations in educational institutions in the era of digitalization is aimed at studying the influence of innovative technologies on the organization of the educational process by students in the field of higher education institutions. This scientific work analyzes the features of self-organization of students in an online environment, their cooperation with teachers, classmates and classmates, including possible problems and challenges faced by higher education institutions when introducing online learning. These studies may be in demand for the development of effective methods of educational management in the context of the digital transformation of education. The object of the study is student online self-organizations in higher education institutions in the era of digital technologies. The goal is to study the educational management of youth online communities at universities in the age of the World Wide Web. It is aimed at studying ways of organizing and managing the educational process in the online environment in youth communities that actively use new technologies for self-education. Research methods: critical analysis of sources, observational research, monitoring in the information space, analysis of a specific situation and review of practices, comparative research, processing of statistical data. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it serves as an initial analysis of the educational management of youth online self-organizations in higher educational institutions in the modern conditions of the era of Internet technologies. This study is intended to identify the specifics of educational practices and methods of self-organization of students in the digital environment, including assessing their effectiveness and impact on the learning process. In addition, the scientific work offers a modern approach to the study of educational management in the context of youth online self-organizations, allowing us to consider the impact of digital technologies on educational technologies and processes in educational institutions. This approach opens up modern prospects for analyzing and optimizing the educational process, taking into account modern trends in the field of distance learning and digital transformation.
Key words: Internet era, youth online self-organization, student education, management, educational management, student interaction, innovations in education.
Egorov V.O.
Petrenko D.I.
The specifics of the coverage of the ethnocultural component in the Russian mass media
The purpose of this research is to identify the trend in the formation of editorial policy in relation to the ethnocultural component of the existing Russian media. The author has identified the features of the ethnocultural information agenda in the media observed in the Soviet period and the present. Against the background of differences in the approaches of media editorial offices, this article identifies the reasons for choosing an editorial policy with ethnocultural components. Separately, the problem of journalists' awareness of the cultural specifics of the peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the significant differences between the state and independent media, is revealed. Results. The study of the specifics of editorial policy with an ethnocultural component by state and independent media has revealed the need for additional legislative regulation in this direction, as well as the creation of a state structure whose activities should be aimed at identifying destructive tendencies on the part of a certain media in the formation of an undesirable ideological aspect of the reader or viewer in relation to representatives of a certain people. A separate result of this study was the need to revive equal access to public space for all peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation at the present time, including small ones.
Key words: media, editorial policy, ethnocultural component, state, information material, public space.
Portnov A.O.
Soboleva Z.Yu.
Zyablova E.Yu.
Modern challenges, problems and prospects for a healthy lifestyle in the 21st century society
The article provides a brief historical overview of philosophical approaches to a healthy lifestyle from antiquity to modern times. The main goals and objectives of a healthy lifestyle of modern society and people are outlined. Attention is focused on the problem of the impact of modern philosophical concepts and information technologies on the deviating vector of social development, which leaves an imprint on the way of life of people, including modern Russia. A set of tools and methods is presented that, in the authors’ opinion, can correct the negative trends of our time, which will help humanity as a whole and the Russian population to overcome impending threats. In conclusion, it is noted that members of the physical culture and sports professional community, and by definition supporters of physical development, must follow modern trends, including trends in philosophical thought and scientific and technical progress, as well as comprehend them and, if possible, respond, including within the framework of philosophical thinking, warning society against negative trends for its physical development.
Key words: philosophy of a healthy lifestyle, healthy lifestyle, values, social problems.
Sun Zhiqi
Russian foreign policy in Southeast Asia: current problems and prospects
The article is devoted to current problems and prospects for Russian foreign policy in Southeast Asia. Goal: to analyze the state, problems and prospects for the development of Russian foreign policy relations with the countries of Southeast Asia. Methods: theoretical analysis of scientific sources on the research problem. Results and conclusions: to date, Russia’s foreign policy with the countries of Southeast Asia has been carried out in the absence of a holistic strategy of action. Russia's foreign policy cooperation with the countries of Southeast Asia is assessed as promising in the context of Russia's strategic and economic interests in the region. The principles of building partnerships to ensure the security of the region as a whole meet the strategic interests of Russia. Foreign policy cooperation between Russia and the countries of Southeast Asia is a condition that prevents political pressure from the United States and the collective West in the region, which generally meets the political interests of the countries of Southeast Asia.
Key words: foreign policy, Southeast Asia, ASEAN, foreign policy cooperation, trade and economic relations.
Huang Yaxin
Peculiarities of the international policy problems coverage in cross-media
This article touches upon such an important aspect of the digital society of the XXI century as the influence of cross-media on international politics and international relations. Having characterized modern cross-media and defined their influence on public opinion, the author of the article dwells on the peculiarities of the coverage of political events by Western media, concluding that the events of world politics on the Internet resources of these media get a one-sided interpretation. The author emphasizes that cross-media influence on public consciousness negatively, because it rather incite hostility and hatred than contribute to the resolution of conflict situations.
Key words: cross-media, digital technologies, Internet, international politics, public opinion.
Xu Haowei
Research on social anxiety among young people
The purpose of the work is to study the phenomenon of social anxiety among young people. The article contains a brief but detailed analysis of the various types of anxiety characteristic of the youth environment. The author touches upon the problem of stratification in the youth environment, the influence of external stimuli in the form of changing indicators of life success, leading to a change in the role and place of the subject in a social group. The evolution in the study of this complex psychological situation from the beginning to the current period is considered. The emergence of new directions in the study of the phenomenon of anxiety, including social ones related to the development of information technologies, is noted. In his work, the author used the following methods: synthesis and analysis, theoretical, inductive, comparative. As a result of the work done, the author came to the conclusion about the relevance of interdisciplinary research devoted to the study and solution of problems related to various manifestations of anxiety. The onset of the information transformation of society makes this particularly acute.
Key words: community, life goals, the phenomenon of anxiety, fear, anxiety.
Ilarionova T.S.
National state vs world republic of I. Kant
The book “Towards Eternal Peace” stands apart in the creative heritage of Immanuel Kant: the philosopher tried to present his own project of a harmoniously arranged community of peoples, formulated in this project six points on which new international relations should be built. These provisions subsequently inspired both political philosophers and practical politicians to independently search for recipes for preserving peace and creating coexistence among peoples without war. In this article, the author shows that the main obstacle to the implementation of Kant’s ideas was the development of the national state as an organization of people’s activities, which, instead of the previous distances and problems, gave rise to new ones, containing great risks for world development. The nation-state became the most common form of government organization, although the desire of nations to be together and face challenges together after World War I and after World War II was strong and led to the formation of global systems to maintain peace. The author is sure: this goal is achievable only if the national state itself leaves the historical arena.
Key words: Immanuel Kant, nation state, world republic, war.
Li Jun
Architectural modelling and features of its development in the context of studying ethnic ornament by design students
Ethnic design in the field of architectural modelling is very attractive due to its openness, flexibility and democratic nature. Although the designer needs to have a store of knowledge about ethnic ornaments, its meanings and application, there is still room for freedom of creativity and the use of modern technological techniques. Ethnic design in the field of architectural modelling popularizes ethno-cultural phenomenon, includes folk traditions in the modern life of human being.
Key words: architectural model, higher education, traditional art, design, design education.
Wang Na
Textbook as an important component of foreign language learning
This article raises one of the most important problems of teaching a foreign language at the present stage of development of higher school - the problem of choosing a textbook as a teaching tool. The author of the article draws attention to the fact that in recent years on the market of educational services appeared a lot of textbooks on foreign language and it is very difficult to choose a textbook that would meet the requirements of the organisation of foreign language training in a modern university. The purpose of the article: to give a general characterization of the textbook as an important part of the educational process in higher school, considering its potential in the context of formation of communicative competence. Research methods: structural method, analytical method, comparative method, generalizing method. the results of the study showed that a well-developed textbook will become an important source of foreign language communicative competence formation and will improve the quality of foreign language education. The author of the article concludes that the textbook motivates students to learn a foreign language and to further improve it. 
Key words: textbook, foreign language, higher education institution, traditional textbook, electronic textbook, communicative competence.
Lu Kangdi
Augmented and virtual reality technologies in the process of teaching Chinese as a foreign language
Nowadays, under the conditions of constant contacts between Russia and China, affecting political, economic, social, cultural and other aspects of cooperation, the interest of Russians in learning Chinese has increased. In order to meet the demands of those who wish to do so, courses for learning Chinese are being created, Chinese language is introduced in general education schools and universities in Russia. In this regard, the search for effective methods and techniques of teaching Chinese, including those based on information and innovative technologies, is an urgent task. The aim of the research is to study the peculiarities of virtual and augmented reality technologies, focusing on their educational potential in the process of learning Chinese as a foreign language. The following research methods were used in this article: study and analysis of scientific literature, modeling, descriptive method. The results of the study showed that VR- and AR-technologies contribute to the efficiency of the Chinese language learning process and motivate students to further study it. The author of the article concludes that, despite some shortcomings of these technologies, they contribute to the formation of skills and abilities in all types of speech activities.
Key words: information technologies, virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, Chinese language.
Zhang Xiaoxiao
Media and journalism: main development trends
This article examines trends in the development of journalism in the context of the past and present. The purpose of the article is to analyze the new media that have replaced traditional media in the digital age and to analyze the profession of journalism in the new conditions of journalism development. The following scientific methods were used in the article: comparative method, analytical method, historical method. According to the results of the study, journalism of the modern era is a transformed activity of a journalist of traditional media, which, under the influence of modern technologies, has turned into media helping the journalist to be a generalist. The author of the article concludes that digital technologies, which have become a distinctive marker of the modern media system, have led to changes in its structure, which now consists of three components: traditional journalism, Internet journalism, and social media.
Key words: journalism, mass media, media, Internet, multimedia, convergence.
Yang Xiyun
Preservation and transmission of cultural values in the digital age: technological innovation and sustainable development
This article raises the issue of preservation of cultural values by means of digital technologies. The purpose of the article is to determine the nature of the impact of digitalization on the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage objects. The article used the definitive method, descriptive method, and analytical method. according to the results of the study, digital technologies help viewers to vividly present the pages of the past and create a memorable image of a cultural artifact. The author concludes that different types of digital technologies can preserve cultural heritage, leaving future generations not only the memory but also the real image of cultural heritage masterpieces.
Key words: cultural values, cultural heritage, cultural heritage preservation, digital technologies, digital platforms.
Li Jun
Development of ethnic style interior as a learning task in the context of professional training of a teacher-designer
This article discusses the features, components and expected results of the professional training of a teacher-designer. It is no secret that successful learning depends on the quality of the educational tasks compiled and created for students. Interior design in an ethnic style as an educational task is an important component of the professional training of a future teacher-designer. The characteristics and features of ethnic style in interior design, features of the methodology for training future interior designers.
Key words: interior design, higher education, design, design education, educational space, ethnic style.


Agirbov T.R., Student of the North-Caucasus State academy.
Chen Ke, Graduate student. St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg.
Du Juan, Postgraduate student, Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Institute of Design and Arts.
Egorov V.O., Russian State University for the Humanities.
Hristichenko E.E., Student of the Department of Political Science of the Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok.
Huang Yaxin, Master. National Research University Higher School of Economics.
Ilarionova T.S., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.
Kardashevskaya L.I., Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor of the Department of Art History, Arctic State Institute of Culture and Arts, Yakutsk.
Kerouac A.V., Graduate student, Autonomous non-profit organization of higher education “Institute of Film and Television”.
Liang Yupeng, Master’s student, Qiqihar University, Qiqihar City, China.
Li Jun, Post-graduate Student, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia.
Liu Xu, Graduate student. Siberian Federal University.
Li Zhi, Graduate student. Institute of Design and Arts of Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design.
Lu Kangdi, Graduate student. Institute of Foreign Languages, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
Mamedov A.A., Junior researcher, teacher, graduate student. Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin.
Mandritsa A.V., Student of the Department of Political Science of the Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok.
Marenkov R.E., Graduate Student. Khabarovsk State institute of culture.
Mirin I.G., Head of the research Department of the Trust and Safety unit of Wildberries, a graduate student, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Far Eastern Federal University”, Department of Arts and Design of the School of Arts (Vladivostok).
Napso M.D., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, professor of department of philosophy and humanities sciences North Caucasus state academy.
Nechay E.E., Academic Advisor, Candidate of Political Science, Assistant Professor, Far Eastern Federal University.
Ni Shiwei, Post-graduate Student, 2nd year student, Department of Russian Art, St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Ilya Repin, Faculty of Theory and History of Art.
Ostapenkо A.S., Postgraduate student of the Department of Culturology of Screen Culture Autonomous non-profit organization of higher education «Institute of Cinema and Television».
Petrenko D.I., North Caucasus Social Institute.
Portnov A.O., Postgraduate student, Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, Khabarovsk.
Soboleva Z.Yu., Candidate of Biological Sciences, head of graduate school, associate professor of the department of medical and biological disciplines, Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, Khabarovsk.
Sorokina M.A., PhD in Art History, Leading Researcher of the Department of Folk Art of the Russian Museum, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Art St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Ilya Repin, St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Ilya Repin, Faculty of Theory and History of Art, Department of Russian Art.
Sun Zhiqi, Graduate student. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Tian Xiaoya, Postgraduate student of A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University.
Wang Hao, Master. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Wang Na, Graduate student, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
Xu Haowei, Bachelor. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Yang Xiyun, Master. Moscow State University.
Yao Siconghui, Postgraduate studies, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Altai State University”.
Zhao Qixin, Master’s student, Qiqihar University, Qiqihar City, China.
Zhang Xiaoxiao, Master. Moscow State University.
Zhao Xiaolu, Master. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Zheng Dongni, School of Music, Drama and Dance. Russian National Normal University.
Zyablova E.Yu., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Vice-Rector for Educational Work, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities, Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, Khabarovsk.