Volume 11.  Issue 2. (№ 31)

The Council of Reviewers of the publishing house together with the teaching staff of leading universities:
The main criteria of our choosing materials for publishing is their high scientific level. The main principle of the publishing house is to accept pluralism of views if authors present their points of view in a well-argued manner. The author’s view point does not have to coincide with the editors’ view points.
The authors of submitted materials are responsible for the accuracy of facts, quotations, dates, events, geographical and proper names. 
If you use any materials from the journal, you are to give a relevant reference to it.
All the submitted materials are reviewed.


Topical  issues  of  science  and  culture
Joslen Arriojas Orsini Omar Godines - Artist - Creator
Vereshchagin and Marty: a meeting on the other side of fire and death
Political  science
Yudin V.I. Review of the monograph by S.V. Biryukov “Ethnopolitics and nation-building: historical experience and modern approaches”
Ulturgasheva N.D., Ryzbayeva (Kalkina) Aisulu Albertovna A.G. Kalkin House-Museum as an object of cultural and historical heritage 36
Safarova T.V. Reflection of Slavic mythological views in Russian folk tales (on the example of animal characters) 43
Kostitsyn S.S. The history of the development of private museums in Russia before the 1917 Revolution 58


Joslen Arriojas Orsini
Translation: Stavrova Maria
Omar Godines - Artist - Creator
This is not an art criticism of an artist in the usual sense, it is conducted from another space - the space of artistic Creation. That is why I call it criticism of the person - the creator, and not just criticism of the artist.
Key words: art, artist, creator, visual arts, culture.
Vereshchagin and Marty: a meeting on the other side of fire and death
The topic "Vereshchagin and Marty" is not new, it has been repeatedly discussed and covered in the press. She was thoroughly studied by a Cuban diplomat and writer: Blas Nabel Perez Camejo, author of several books and dozens of articles. As you know, Vereshchagin was in Cuba three times, he wrote about 60 artworks of various formats there, and Jose Marti devoted a large and bright publication to the work of the Russian artist. All this has long been the property of science and culture.
Key words: organization, topic, report, review, meeting, Vereshchagin, Marty.
Yudin V.I.
Review of the monograph by S.V. Biryukov “Ethnopolitics and nation-building: historical experience and modern approaches”
The national question is a complex and contradictory sphere of socio-political relations that requires an integrated approach and constant updating of the methodology of scientific research in this area. The national policy, formed within the framework and in the conditions of specific states, requires a specific analysis and is intended to be considered in each case as a case study, which does not exclude the necessary scientific and political-related generalizations. At the same time, today there is no certain universal concept that would contain ready-made practical recommendations for managing crises in the ethno-political sphere. Therefore, the researchers are right, the use of the principles of multiculturalism in today's conditions does not contribute to either national integration or the elimination of existing interethnic and interregional disparities.
Key words: ethnicity, differences, social groups, USA, Russia, politics.
Ulturgasheva N.D.
Ryzbayeva (Kalkina) Aisulu Albertovna
A.G. Kalkin House-Museum as an object of cultural and historical heritage
This article considers the A.G. Kalkin House-Museum as an ethnocultural object that performs socially significant functions in its region. Through a brief description of the interior, the expositions of the Museum House, the author emphasizes the need to use the museum materials for the spiritual, moral and patriotic education of Altai youth.
Key words: Altai heroic epic, A.G. Kalkin House Museum, topshuur, kaichi, storyteller.
Safarova T.V.
Reflection of Slavic mythological views in Russian folk tales (on the example of animal characters)
The relevance of the study is due to the interest in folklore and mythology (and related problems of mentality, national character) in the current context of globalization, eroding the original ethnic characteristics of peoples of multinational Russia.
On the example of the texts from the collection "Russian Fairy-Tales of Siberia and Far East: Magic and about Animals" the specificity of mythological elements in the most common images of animals in animalistic and fairy tales (bear, wolf, dog) is revealed, the conclusion is made that traces of totemism, anthropomorphism, magisicm are present in both genre varieties, but they manifest themselves differently.
Although a significant part of the ancient beliefs has undergone an inevitable transformation, fairy tales reveal a distinct motif-like connection with primitive myths, unlike animal tales, which are often closer to the modern storyteller's world, and the images that were once totemic have been developed in them in a domestic way.
Key words: tale, mythological beliefs, totemism, anthropomorphism, magicism, animal imagery.
Kostitsyn S.S.
The history of the development of private museums in Russia before the 1917 Revolution
The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the history of the development of private museum business in Russia from the beginning of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century. The main periods of formation of private collections of Russian patrons and their subsequent role in the development of this industry in Russia are highlighted and described.
Key words: private museums, collectors, the history of courage in Russia, Tretyakov, Aivazovsky.


Joslen Arriojas Orsini, Artist, sculptor, Venezuela.
Kostitsyn S.S., Graduate student. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Ryzbayeva (Kalkina) Aisulu Albertovna, Senior Lecturer, Department of Theory and History of Folk Artistic Culture, Kemerovo State Institute of Culture.
Safarova T.V., Candidate of Sciences in Philology, Associate professor in the Department of theory and history of folk art culture of Kemerovo state Institute of culture.
Stavrova Maria, Translator.
Ulturgasheva N.D., Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor of Kemerovo state Institute of culture, head of the Department of theory and history of folk art culture of Kemerovo state Institute of culture.
Yudin V.I., Doctor of Political Sciences, international expert.