Volume 12.  Issue 2. (№ 37)

The Council of Reviewers of the publishing house together with the teaching staff of leading universities:
The main criteria of our choosing materials for publishing is their high scientific level. The main principle of the publishing house is to accept pluralism of views if authors present their points of view in a well-argued manner. The author’s view point does not have to coincide with the editors’ view points.
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All the submitted materials are reviewed.


Current  issues  of  science  and  innovation
Ryabova E.L., Chapkin N.S. The role of non-profit organizations in strengthening health care and ensuring access to medical care
Ponomarenko B.T., Gulevskiy D.A. Improving personnel assessment technologies in a modern medical organization
Shinkarenko V.D. Political Marketing (strategies and marketing communications)
Rybakov S.V. VR and AR technologies in museums and tourism
Napso M.D., Agirbov T.R. “Having” as a way of being in a consumerist society
Baymeshova S.P., Sushkova M.B. Influence of banking advertising and pr on the formation of the cultural environment
Sadrieva A.N., Topal N.M., Mironov A.V., Eroshenko Y.V., Fominov V.V. Cultural heritage of Russia and its significance in the world culture
Petrova S.I., Prilepsky V.V. About political culture
Givargizyan A.F. Vlas Sebastiki: patron saint of Dubrovnik
Jin Peiyu Modern vocal singing: history, approaches, technique
Yu Bohan Vocal training. Gadgets or eternal bel canto
Yonghong Gong The Anti-Japanese war literature and art groups led by the Southern bureau of the Communist party of China
Kulakov K.Y., Filimonova D.A. Architectural and urban planning aspects of the reconstruction of cultural heritage buildings: traditions and context
Hu Weijun Exploring Intercultural Communication Strategies for Short Videos
Political  science
Ryabova E.L., Ternovaya L.O. Historical security is the key to a multidimensional vision of geopolitical threats
Napso M.B., Agirbov T.R. Hybrid space and hybrid existence
Xu Nuo Trade organization management system between the northeastern China and the Russian Far East
Xu Jinlin Fukushima. Problems of interpreting events from an international and legal perspective
Zhou Hao Strategic partnership between Russia and China in the system of international relations
Chen Yuting Current problems of international journalism in a global world
Tamundele Jean-Baptiste Ngey, Shagalov V.A. African union
Ternovaya L.O. Glass barriers to female career advancement


Ryabova E.L.
Chapkin N.S.
The role of non-profit organizations in strengthening health care and ensuring access to medical care
Non-governmental organizations (non-profit (NGOs), public organizations) are part of national health systems and play a vital role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and reducing inequalities in access to health care. Strengthening the actions of non-governmental organizations to strengthen primary health care has been identified as one of the opportunities for the development of national health systems on the path to "health for all".
Key words: non-profit organizations, healthcare, medical care, inequality, accessibility, development.
Ponomarenko B.T.
Gulevskiy D.A.
Improving personnel assessment technologies in a modern medical organization
The article reveals the essence and technology of personnel assessment in modern medical organizations. The specifics of a comprehensive assessment of medical personnel in the Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Medical Research Center of Radiology” of the Russian Ministry of Health are characterized. Directions for improving the comprehensive assessment of personnel in modern medical organizations are given.
Key words: healthcare, personnel, medical personnel, assessment, assessment technologies, competency-based approach, medical organizations.
Shinkarenko V.D.
Political Marketing (strategies and marketing communications)
Effective use of political marketing in an election campaign requires an understanding of the needs, hopes and expectations of voters and the structure of the political market. Political goods, according to marketing theory, must satisfy the needs, hopes and expectations of voters. The voter receives not just political goods from various structures participating in the elections, but those goods that will attract his attention and are able to satisfy needs, hopes and expectations. In order for political goods to attract their consumers, they must stand out in the market among other similar political goods. Integrated marketing communications and digital technologies must be used to promote political goods. Only the use of the entire set of political marketing tools will allow you to achieve a positive result.
Key words: marketing, political marketing, product, political goods, political market, needs, hopes, expectations, marketing communications.
Rybakov S.V.
VR and AR technologies in museums and tourism
The article discusses the topics related to the use of virtual and augmented reality technologies in museum business and tourism. The main patterns and features of the interaction of virtual and augmented reality technologies with the named sectors of cultural space are revealed. It is concluded that the use of the latest technologies in the cultural sphere helps to overcome the boundaries between different sectors of creative activity, creates prerequisites for the transformation of culture into a single information and semantic space.
Key words: virtual and augmented reality technologies, cultural space, museum business, tourism.
Napso M.D.
Agirbov T.R.
"Having" as a way of being in a consumerist society
The article explores the nature of the modus "to have", reveals its role and traces the nature of its impact on the processes of functioning of modern society. The article reveals the contradictory nature of consumerist practices, analyses the risks of excessive consumption for the individual and society as a whole. The process of formation of "thing" dependence, substitution of true values by illusions and quasi-thoughts is studied. The negative consequences of the "modus of possession" are revealed, its role in limiting the space of freedom of an individual, turning him into a being dependent on the attitude of "to have", and the loss of various forms of identification is shown.  
Key words: consumerism, having, being, symbolic consumption, illusory, prestige, pleasure principle.
Baymeshova S.P.
Sushkova M.B.
Influence of banking advertising and pr on the formation of the cultural environment
The cultural environment is an unstable and constantly changing system, influenced by a huge number of factors. Today, new factors are being identified that also influence the cultural environment - these are banking advertising and PR.
The issue of the influence of banking advertising and PR on the formation of the cultural environment in the domestic literature has not been examined in depth enough for us to unambiguously determine the degree of their influence on the cultural environment, to indicate the degree of importance of the activities of banking organizations in the direction of supporting culture.
The scientific literature considers individual factors of influence on the cultural environment formed by banking advertising and PR, but does not consider their complex and does not describe the influence of banking advertising and PR on the formation of the cultural environment, therefore, within the framework of this study, a complex of basic factors of the influence of banking advertising and PR on the formation of the cultural environment and is described from the influence on the formation of the cultural environment.
In order to determine the most important factors influencing the cultural environment, an expert survey was conducted in the form of an interview, then a ranking method was used to identify the most significant factors influencing the formation of the cultural environment.
The results of the empirical study showed that banking PR and advertising are today becoming one of the main factors influencing the formation of the cultural environment, and the set of influencing factors proposed by us is exhaustive. The activities of banking organizations in supporting cultural institutions, figures and education are very important and are of high importance for banks.
Key words: cultural environment, banking PR, banking advertising, influencing factors, complex of factors, cultural support, cultural heritage, cultural events, sponsorship, cultural diversity, inclusion.
Sadrieva A.N.
Topal N.M.
Mironov A.V.
Eroshenko Y.V.
Fominov V.V.
Cultural heritage of Russia and its significance in the world culture
This article reveals such a concept as “cultural heritage” in the context of globalization processes, and examines the phenomenon of Russian cultural heritage in the context of the global significance of Russian culture. The article analyzes the features of Russian cultural heritage in comparison with Western cultural heritage, determines its national specificity and national identity. The article provides examples of the integration of Russian cultural heritage into the museum practice of European countries and concludes that, despite the strong pressure of the world community on Russia, which has been especially felt in recent years, Russian culture still has a strong influence on other countries, as they say not only Russian, but also foreign critics. 
Key words: globalization, Russian culture, cultural heritage, national identity, Russia, the West.
Petrova S.I.
Prilepsky V.V.
About political culture
The article is devoted to the analysis of political culture, its place and role in the functioning of society. The study of political culture helps to understand what myths, symbols and stereotypes people share in the context of the political system. These aspects influence how people perceive and interact with political institutions and processes. The article shows that the understanding of political culture as a set of stable forms of political behavior and "spiritual codes" reflects the importance of historical experience transmitted from previous generations. Political culture is a peculiar set of values, norms and traditions that underlie a person's daily political activity. The difference between mastered and undeveloped norms and traditions indicates a person's constant desire to revise and clarify his values and principles. This process of re-evaluation and development of political culture is part of the political development of society. Through symbols and rituals, political culture integrates society, forms stable relations between different strata of society and contributes to the maintenance of social consensus. This allows us to preserve values and traditions that influence the formation of political preferences and decisions of society as a whole. Thus, political culture is an integral part of the general culture, cultural environment and reflects the unique features of each nation.
Key words: culture, political culture, values, norms, society, personality, functions.
Givargizyan A.F.
Vlas Sebastiki: patron saint of Dubrovnik
In the history of Christianity, saints have always played an important role, acting as spiritual leaders, patrons of the faith, symbols of cultural and historical values and national identities of various regions and Christian society. The patronage of saints over cities, professions and even countries reflects their place in social and cultural life. Celebrations of saints' days associated with specific places or events are often accompanied by traditional rituals and holidays that foster a sense of community and belonging. Among Christian saints, Saint Vlas holds a special place, whose life and legends remain an important part of the religious and cultural history of the city of Dubrovnik (Croatia) and continue to inspire and unite people in the region today. Saint Vlas, also known as Vlaho or Blaise in Western Christian tradition, was an Armenian bishop and martyr in the early 4th century, during the period of early Christianity. His life and martyrdom, shrouded in legends and miracles, became the subject of veneration in different parts of the Christian world. In Dubrovnik, the cult of Saint Vlas strengthened during the Middle Ages and remained a significant element of the city's religious identity for centuries. The object of this study is the cult of Saint Vlas (Sebastian). The purpose of the study is to study the emergence, development and current state of the cult of St. Vlas in Dubrovnik. Research methods: study of historical documents and archival materials related to the history of Dubrovnik and the cult of St. Vlas; theological analysis, generalization. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the revelation of the cult of St. Vlas as an element of the cultural and religious life of Dubrovnik. The study provides new insight into the interaction of religious, historical and cultural factors in shaping a city's unique identity.
Key words: history of Christianity, traditional celebration, Saint Vlas, patron of many cities and countries, cultural connections, Croatian-Armenian relations, cultural heritage, culture, religion, intercultural relations.
Jin Peiyu
Modern vocal singing: history, approaches, technique
The article is a review study devoted to the development and transformation of vocal art throughout history. The article examines the main stages in the development of vocal singing, starting from its ancient roots and ending with modern trends. Particular attention is paid to various approaches to teaching vocals, as well as techniques used in modern vocal art. The author analyzes the influence of technology and changing musical preferences on the development of vocal technique and performance style.
Key words: vocal singing, bel canto, history of art, opera.
Yu Bohan
Vocal training. Gadgets or eternal bel canto
The purpose of this study is an attempt to review the history of the evolution of the vocal school, known as bel canto, from teaching with a teacher to replacing vocal teaching with technical means. The methods used in the article are theoretical, comparative and analytical. In the content of the article, the author described in sufficient detail the emergence and transformation of the bel canto singing school; the influence of this school on the leading vocal schools of the world; the designated features characteristic of this vocal school; the spread of this school to various regions of the world from the time of its inception to the present. Conclusions. The bel canto vocal school, which originated in the depths of centuries, retains its importance in the twenty-first century. The development of technical means, which has made education publicly available, will not lead to the death of the traditional vocal school, primarily the bel canto school.  
Key words: bel canto, gadget, singing, vocal, voice, Chinese opera.
Yonghong Gong
The Anti-Japanese war literature and art groups led by the Southern bureau of the Communist party of China
The Southern Bureau is the representative office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in the accompanying capital of Chongqing, undertaking important missions such as maintaining the anti-Japanese national united front and promoting the anti-Japanese salvation movement in the Kuomintang-administered area. The literary and artistic work of the Southern Bureau is an important part of the whole revolutionary cultural work of the CPC and a unique and magnificent chapter in the history of the revolutionary cultural work of the Party. The purpose of this study is to analyze the situation of the Southern Bureau and its leadership in the Anti-Enemy Drama Troupe, Anti-Enemy Drama Propaganda Troupe, and Children Troupe in carrying out anti-Japanese and national salvation activities, indirectly reflecting the enormous contributions made by the Southern Bureau in maintaining the anti-Japanese national united front and promoting the anti-Japanese and national salvation literary and artistic movement. The innovation of the article lies in a comprehensive and systematic review of the literary and artistic Troupes led by the Southern Bureau and their major anti-enemy movements that had a significant impact during the Anti-Japanese War. In the work of the Southern Bureau, promoting the literary and artistic salvation movement is one of the most influential works. In accordance with the relevant instructions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Southern Bureau, in combination with the difficult and complex struggle environment in the Nationalist controlled areas, strongly supported and mobilized literary and artistic Troupes, and opened up a new situation of anti-Japanese war literary and artistic salvation through cultural activities such as music.
Key words: Anti-Japanese War, Southern Bureau of Communist Part of China, Literature and art groups.
Kulakov K.Y.
Filimonova D.A.
Architectural and urban planning aspects of the reconstruction of cultural heritage buildings: traditions and context
The article's abstract addresses the analysis and assessment of various architectural and urban planning solutions aimed at integrating historical buildings into the contemporary urban context while preserving their cultural and historical value. It explores numerous reconstruction examples and evaluates their impact on the urban environment and public perception. Special attention is given to the challenges and complexities faced by professionals in implementing such projects, including legal, technical, and social aspects. The article emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to planning and executing projects, and offers recommendations for improving reconstruction practices. The conclusion highlights the significance of preserving cultural heritage for the sustainable development of cities and the creation of a harmonious urban environment, where reconstructed buildings become active participants in city life, contributing to cultural enrichment and economic growth.
Key words: architectural solutions, urban planning, historical buildings, cultural value, reconstruction, urban environment, public perception, challenges, multidisciplinary approach, cultural heritage, sustainable development.
Hu Weijun
Exploring Intercultural Communication Strategies for Short Videos
Intercultural communication in modern realities is an integral characteristic of the effective functioning of the world community. Accordingly, intercultural strategies and their features today are considered. Communication is a complex, multifaceted process that requires constant study and improvement. When communicating, the communicative result is important, and as a result, ways to achieve it qualitatively at the present stage are considered.
In this vein, videos are increasingly attracting the attention of researchers. They are multifunctional and can have a wide range of applications in both positive and negative aspects. In a sense, they are also a means of achieving a communicative effect, they create their own speech situation, are characterized by certain goals and objectives, and if they connect representatives of different cultures, then they significantly increase the motivation for their careful study.
The relevance of this study is due to the urgent need to study videos in the context of intercultural communication and intercultural strategies.
The subject of the study is intercultural communication.
The object of the work is videos and blogs as one of the means of intercultural communication, taking into account intercultural strategies in modern realities.
The novelty of the work lies in identifying the versatility of videos and blogs and their usefulness in terms of intercultural interaction strategies.
The practical significance of the study lies in the use of the obtained materials and recommendations in academic activities and practical use in modern communication.
Key words: strategies, intercultural communication, development, improvement, conflict, cooperation.
Ryabova E.L.
Ternovaya L.O.
Historical security is the key to a multidimensional vision of geopolitical threats
The modern world, which is experiencing the rapid collapse of a unipolar system, demonstrates the ability of any self-developing system to find survival mechanisms adequate to the circumstances. From a geopolitical point of view, the most important of these mechanisms is the international security system. For a long time, researchers paid attention to the matrix of such security, consisting of directions and levels. Historical security can give this model three-dimensionality, and with it greater security.
Key words: state, society, personality education, history, security, national identity, civilization.
Napso M.B.
Agirbov T.R.
Hybrid space and hybrid existence
The article is devoted to the study of the content and nature of the interaction of virtual space and social reality in the context of the peculiarities of being an individual in them. The simultaneous presence of individuals in social reality and in a virtual environment, in a kind of hybrid space, is a distinctive feature of the modern information society, which gives the problem an urgent character. Based on the growing influence not of reality itself, but of its images on views, lifestyle, priorities, values, cognitive activity, the author consistently analyzes the properties, advantages, reasons for the demand for the world of technology, the nature of its influence, the positive impact and negative consequences of their hypertrophied role in the life of an individual. The author proceeds from the belief that the transformation of the process of socialization of an individual under the influence of informatization, digitalization, which gave it a symbolic and symbolic character, staying in two worlds made the most important quality of an individual his ability to combine, coexist, rationally use the possibilities of technology for self-development and self-affirmation in real life. It is obvious to the author that the hybrid nature of the two worlds is a consequence not only of the strengthening in reality of the role of such virtuality properties as social construction, the multiplicity of social roles of individuals, imagery and entertainment, but also of the virtualization of traditional, archaic culture, reviving in reality as a response to the decline of reality. The author comes to the conclusion that despite all the dissimilarity of the virtual world and social reality, the process of improving communications in the conditions of the former will inevitably occur due to the use of mechanisms effectively used in reality. 
Key words: hybrid space, virtuality, social reality, information image, information and psychological security, information immunity, digital addiction, escapism, Internet phenomena.
Xu Nuo
Trade organization management system between the northeastern China and the Russian Far East
At present Russia and China are pursuing a strategy of strengthening and stabilizing trade and economic relations. This article raises the issue of trade development between the northeastern provinces of China and the Far Eastern regions of Russia. The purpose of this paper is to study and evaluate the state, problems and prospects of trade and economic relations between the border areas of China and Russia. The article uses historical, logical, analytical methods of research. The results of the study showed that the system of trade activity management will increase the efficiency of trade transactions between border regions. The author of the article concludes that the development of transport infrastructure and organization of supply chain management will help to solve the problems of trade and economic cooperation and overcome the difficulties associated with the supply of goods.
Key words: trade and economic relations, management system, transportation infrastructure, supply chains, trade turnover.
Xu Jinlin
Fukushima. Problems of interpreting events from an international and legal perspective
The purpose of the work is to consider the events related to the disaster at the Japanese Fukushima - 1 nuclear power plant from an international and legal perspective in connection with the history and development of the international nuclear safety system. The methods used in the article are comparative, theoretical, analytical, methods of systematization and synthesis. The author studied a wide range of sources, including official communications from the Government of Japan, international organizations, mass media, and information from the Internet. During the study of the events around the Fukushima nuclear power plant, the international legal system of nuclear safety from the moment of creation, formation and current state was studied. Conclusion. The events surrounding the Fukushima disaster have clearly demonstrated the evolution of the international nuclear safety system from a system based on interstate trust to a system using double standards.
Key words: man-made disaster, Fukushima, nuclear power, emergency situation.
Zhou Hao
Strategic partnership between Russia and China in the system of international relations
This paper focuses on the current relationship between Russia and China. It outlines the reasons for the strategic partnership between these two countries in the current context of international relations and explains why this bilateral relationship will only grow stronger over time. The purpose of the article is to identify the role of the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership in the formation of a new type of international relations at the global level. The following research methods were used in the article: systematic method, analytical method, method of comparative analysis, deductive method. The results of the study show that the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership on key issues of international politics is a priority. The author of the article concludes that the interaction between China and Russia at the global level is an important factor in the formation of the modern multipolar world and makes a certain contribution to the formation of international relations. 
Key words: strategic partnership, international relations, Russian-Chinese cooperation, multipolar world, sanctions.
Chen Yuting
Current problems of international journalism in a global world
The article discusses issues related to current problems of international journalism in a global world and the search for ways to solve them. The purpose of the study is to study current problems of international journalism in a global world, identify the main causes, and also find effective ways to solve these problems. Research methods: method of analysis, comparison, logical reasoning and many others. The author of the article emphasizes the importance of solving the main problems of international journalism in modern conditions, since the further socio-economic development of society, culture, education, politics, etc. depend on their solution. The concept of “yellow press” and the reasons for its appearance are considered. The problem of a large number of custom materials and advertising has been studied. The problem of “information war” and the main reasons for its occurrence on a global scale are considered. Techniques and methods of waging “information warfare” have been studied. The problem of cultivating imaginary values in the world community is considered. The problem of media commercialization and loss of trust in the media have been studied. The problem of discrepancies in the worldview of journalists and the audience has been studied. The problem of too much information flow, which complicates its analysis and processing, is considered. An algorithm has been developed for solving current problems of international journalism in a global world.
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to study current problems of international journalism in a global world, identify the main causes, and also find effective ways to solve these problems.
Methods: Basic research methods: method of analysis, comparison, logical reasoning and many others.
Results: Current problems of international journalism in a global world have been studied. The main reasons for their appearance have been identified. An algorithm has been developed for solving current problems of international journalism in a global world.
Conclusions: Current problems of international journalism, on the one hand, are a factor hindering its development in the modern global space, and on the other hand, a powerful impetus for its transformation. The use of new approaches and solutions will allow us to reach a new international level of development and economic growth in the near future. At the same time, it is important to use an integrated approach on the part of the state, organizations, as well as professionals in their field.
Key words: current problems, international journalism, solution, reasons, effectiveness, global world.
Tamundele Jean-Baptiste Ngey 
Shagalov V.A.
African union
International diplomacy regarding African countries is highly complex and diverse, evolving over many decades. The majority of African countries gained independence from European colonial powers in the mid-20th century. This process of decolonization had a profound impact on the diplomatic relations of these nations, particularly in relation to former colonial authorities. Established in 2002 as the successor to the Organization of African Unity, the African Union has become a crucial platform for coordinating and representing the interests of African countries on the international stage. The African Union plays a significant role in the development and implementation of pan-African strategies in areas such as peace and security, economic development, and education.
Diplomacy concerning African countries often encompasses issues of peace and security. Relations between African nations and the international community in this context may involve a range of activities, from United Nations peacekeeping missions and regional organizations like the African Union to collaboration in counter-terrorism efforts and the fight against transnational crime.
Key words: African Union, integration, diplomacy, economic development, continent-wide security.
Ternovaya L.O.
Glass barriers to female career advancement
In the modern world, many social barriers are rapidly being reduced. At the same time, the gender gap is emerging with more complex characteristics that mask persistent barriers to women's career advancement. Most of these barriers are denoted using a “glass” metaphor: “glass ceiling”, “glass wall”, “glass cliff”, etc. In this definition one can find the symbolic meaning of glass, which is ambivalent, reflecting both the danger and fragility of this material, as well as and its ability to reveal human creative potential.
Key words: personnel, management, gender, career, symbols, glass.


Agirbov T.R., Student of the North-Caucasus State academy.
Baymeshova S.P., A.N. Kosygin Russian State University. (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow.
Chapkin N.S., Senior Lecturer. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov". Basic Department of Digital Economy of the Institute for the Development of the Information Society.
Eroshenko Y.V., Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of fine arts and design. Voronezh state pedagogical University.
Filimonova D.A., Masters of Engineering Sciences of construction organisation and real estate management.
Fominov V.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Voronezh State Pedagogical University.
Chen Yuting, Bachelor, North China University of Water Resources and Electricity, China, Cheng Zhou.
Hu Weijun, Postgraduate. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Jin Peiyu, Master. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Givargizyan A.F., Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Art, Moscow Pedagogical State University.
Gulevskiy D.A., Master's student at the Department of Personnel Management at Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. Chief specialist of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Radiology" of the Russian Ministry of Health.
Kulakov K.Y., Doctor of Economics, Professor. Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.
Mironov A.V., Candidate of Philological Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department of Art Education. Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Institute (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian State Professional and Pedagogical University.
Napso M.B., Doctor of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the North Caucasus State Academy.
Napso M.D., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, professor of department of philosophy and humanities sciences North-Caucasus state academy.
Petrova S.I., Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy and Intercultural Communications. Academy of the Institute of Marketing and Social Information Technologies.
Ponomarenko B.T., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Prilepsky V.V., Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy and Intercultural Communications. Academy of the Institute of Marketing and Social Information Technologies.
Rybakov S.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Creative Management and Humanities, Ural State University of Economics.
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Editor-in-Chief, international publishing house "Ethnosocium".
Sadrieva A.N., Candidate of Cultural Studies. Associate Professor of the Department of Art Education. Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Institute (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian State Professional and Pedagogical University.
Shagalov V.A., Associate Professor, PhD (Associate Professor), Kazan Federal University, Kazan.
Shinkarenko V.D., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Economics and Management of the Institute of Economics and Law (branch) of the educational institution of trade Unions of higher education "Academy of Labor and Social Relations" in Sevastopol.
Sushkova M.B., A.N. Kosygin Russian State University. (Technologies. Design. Art), Moscow.
Tamundele Jean-Baptiste Ngey, Doctoral student in international relations, Kazan Federal University, Kazan.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.
Topal N.M., Candidate of Historical Sciences. Department of Sociology, Political Science and Management. Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev.
Xu Jinlin, Master. Russian Language Institute, Russian Language and Literature, Chinese Petroleum University(Huadong).
Xu Nuo, Master, School of Economics and Management (World Economy), Far Eastern Federal University.
Yonghong Gong, Associate Professor and master's supervisor of the College of Music of Chongqing Normal University.Chongqing, China.
Yu Bohan, Master, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Zhou Hao, Master, Lomonosov Moscow State University.