ISSN 2949-2521
The publication is included in the List of HAC
The journal is published with the support and financial participation of the Regional public organization to support social city programmes “The city in the XXI century” and “The Academy of Ecology and Law Problems”.
Founded in 2013.
8 issues per year.
Chief Editor: Ryabova E.L.
Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Professor. Member of the Expert Group of the Cossacks Council under the President of the Russian Federation.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
4 issues per year.
Languages: Russian, English, Spanish, Chinese.
The Journal “Cultural World” is the first journal, the main goal of which is the development of a culture of the world based on universal values of respect for life, freedom, justice, equality, solidarity, tolerance, security, and the rule of law. In this regard, the main focus of the publication is on the issues related to human rights in the modern world. Our Journal is a collection of values, attitudes, behaviors and lifestyles, non-violence and conflict prevention by addressing their root causes, solving problems through dialogue and negotiation among individuals, groups and nations. (UN Resolutions A/RES/52/13: Culture of Peace and A/53/243 : Declarations and Programs of Action on a Culture of Peace)
The mission of the journal is the promotion of human rights and coverage of a wide range of topics with the aim of creating a world culture and harmony as opposed to strife, war and extremism.
The task of the Journal is to exchange cultural and socially relevant information, and of the results of theoretical and empirical studies of the researchers.
The basis for the creation of the journal is the UN Charter, in which the protection of human rights is enshrined as the main priority and achievement in the development of mankind. The Journal “Cultural World” supports the Declaration and the United Nations Program, including the guidance of the UNESCO Programs.
The target readers of our publications are first of all scholars who are engaged in the development of political, cultural, philosophical, national and international problems, and all those who are interested in these issues.
The articles of the Journal are grouped under ‘floating’ rubrics (chosen specially to structure the main themes of each issue), with the following rubrics as basic:
- UNESCO: arts and culture, national traditions;
- International relations;
- Human rights;
- Culture of regions.
The subjects of our publications:
- human rights and issues related to them in one way or another;
- culturology, culture and art on the scale of the individual, community, country and the world;
- international relations as relations of friendship between countries and peoples;
- philosophy of religions and worldviews;
- the processes of globalization and regionalization;
- the problems of enlightenment and education on the scale of the individual and at the international level.
We cooperating with young authors, and with scholars recognized in their field. Our editorial board holds active collaborations with academic and professional humanitarian experts from the countries of near and far abroad.
The Journal has been registered at the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications (Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, Broadcasting and Mass Media).
All the submitted materials are reviewed.
Opinions of the authors may not coincide with those of the editorial staff. When reprinting, reference to the journal is obligatory.
All scientific articles published in the journal are subject to compulsory review.
The journal is indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
We thank you for your interest in our magazine and look forward to our cooperation!
We express our gratitude to the "Academy of Ecology and Law Problems" for financial support.
Founder: Foundation for the Support of Interethnic Culture and Public International Relations.
Publisher: Foundation for the Support of Interethnic Culture and Public International Relations.